(xviii) honest drunk

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"ah, uchiha girl", tsunade said, giving her a sly smile before looking at kakashi. "and you're the copy ninja"

kakashi nodded.

"is there anyone that doesn't know you?" y/n whispered. he shrugged

"anyway", tsunade said, "i will be officially made hokage in a few days. and i need you two to take charge of the rest of the jonin up until then"

"why us?", y/n asked in surprise

"yeah i was surprised too", she said, looking straight at y/n, "but it seems you both are this village's most capable shinobi at the moment"

"we'll do our best", kakashi nodded

"kakashi can you go bring the monthly reports for the shinobi? i have something to discuss with y/n"

he nodded, glancing at y/n questioningly before leaving

she took a deep breath as he left.

"tsunade-sama i'm so sor-"

to her surprise the new hokage burst into laughter. "well well if it isn't the honest drunk", she said between laughing

y/n relaxed a bit, still confused about the laughter.
"i'm sorry", she said, scratching the back of her neck

"oh never mind that. happens to the best of us.", she nodded, "what i'm intrigued about are your abilities as a shinobi. you show great aptitude for medical ninjutsu"

"i do?"

"do you not remember drunkenly healing my hand?", she said, raising an eyebrow

"huh, i did what?", she replied, confused

"you don't remember then", tsunade said, even more surprised now, "do you remember what else you told me?"

y/n flushed a bit, "yeah...."

"well i'm actually going to visit your little brother today, naruto has been pestering me to take a look ever since i arrived."

"thank you so much", she smiled in relief. "maybe she doesn't remember my whole rant about kakashi"

"and who's this former sensei?", tsunade's eyes gleamed in excitement in anticipation of the tea to be spilled

"well fuck"

y/n began to speak when kakashi walked back into the room.

"tsunade-sama, here are the reports", he said

"hmmm.", tsunade looked through the reports, "you can go now y/n. i'll talk to you tomorrow" she shot y/n a knowing look before she left.

kakashi began to leave with y/n when tsunade asked him to wait back.

"so kakashi", the sannin hummed


"tell me about y/n", she said suddenly

kakashi blushed just a bit. his mask covered it though. "what about her?"

"it's pretty obvious her skills are much above average."

"well she was a prodigy. chunin at 8, jonin at 16. she possesses sharingan", kakashi began, "actually the evolved mangekyou sharingan for that matter. and she's learned to control it over the years. for example when i was training her, she-"

"what did you just say?", she cut him off suddenly

"that she has mangekyou sharingan?", he asked

"no no after that"

"when i was training her-"

"you were training her????", tsunade asked, putting two and two together and slightly covering her mouth to hide a smile

"is that a... problem?", he asked, now more confused

"not at all", she said, half laughing now

"i'm sorry?", he asked

"how old are you again, kakashi?"


"and y/n?"


"oooooh i see"

".....something i can help you with hokage-sama?"

"nothing, anyway you're a senior jonin compared to her so i'm handing the missions for the next week over to you. assign them to the rest of the jonin. ask y/n to help"

"okay then", he took the document from her and took his leave.

meanwhile, y/n was internally screaming at the incident that had just occurred.

"fuck fuck fucking fuck shit", she whispered under her breath as she went and sat at ichiraku's.

she felt a hand on her shoulder suddenly that made her gasp and hold up a kunai as a reflex.

"WOAH- it's just me", kakashi drew his hand back in surrender

"great, just the person i was hoping to avoid", y/n sighed, "sit"

"so what did tsunade-sama want from you?", he asked, sitting down next to her

"not much", she lied, "wanted to make sure i understood the duties she was giving us well enough. and she also asked about sasuke"

"that's it?"

"yup", she said without making eye contact with him
"you tell me"

"actually, she asked about you", he said, making her immediately look up

"w-what about me?"

"well your abilities mostly, and she also asked about our ages for some reason", he said

"oh?", y/n wanted to slap herself , "why'd you have to get drunk that particular day, now she knows"

"anyway, we have to go over these reports and assign missions", he said, holding up a pile of sheets

"okay", she nodded, trying to focus again.


lmaooo tsunade ships it

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