(xxxii) sadistic laughter

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"i believe in the will of fire", shikamaru's voice rang through the forest at the sight of the near death and helpless hidan.

"and that pathetic jashin is not your god. i am"

with that, he took out asuma's lighter to set off the paper bombs he had planted. in a sentimental yet powerful explosion, asuma was avenged and hidan was as good as dead.

he took a deep breath and y/n patted his back. "you did good"

he nodded and they left to find the rest of the team fighting kakuzu, the other akatsuki member.

"let me attack", naruto yelled out, causing the others to retreat. y/n smirked. "wind style: rasenshuriken!"

ino-shika-cho gasped collectively at the flashy new attack.

another one of kakuzu's masks came forward to attack kakashi again but was blocked. "chidori", y/n said quietly, unleashing an insanely powerful lightning style on the projection. the mask fell to the floor, broken.

"how does she make it look so effortless?", kakashi wondered

"thank you y/n sensei!", naruto called out, running forward to strike kakuzu with his new attack again.

she nodded, smiling up at him.

"you good?", kakashi asked, putting an arm around her waist, "why'd you use the chidori instead of rasengan?"

"well, it's complicated", she said, looking at naruto finish off kakuzu, "actually it's not. i use chidori only when i think of you"

"wow really?"

she nodded, "frankly i'm surprised you haven't noticed with your insane observational skills-"

"i love you"

she turned to him. "what did you just say?"

"i've wanted to say it for a while now"

"i...love you too"

"yeah?", he mumbled

she smiled, "yeah"

"they really thought it would be a good idea to have this conversation in the middle of a battle", shikamaru shook his head

"awww", two voices interrupted the moment.

"they're so cute", sakura and ino whined. y/n shot them a glare, causing them to instantly stop talking.

"no wonder sasuke left the village"

two more members of akatsuki had been eliminated.
and they were back at the village once again.

lemon warning

y/n walked into her apartment with kakashi.
"i'm gonna take a shower" she said, "that was a hell of a mission"

he nodded, sitting on the bed. she walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower and sighing at the feeling the hot water gave when it hit her face.

that's when she felt two arms wrap around her waist. she didn't even flinch, melting into the familiarity of the touch.

"kakashi..", she sighed as he shifted her hair to one side, beginning to kiss her neck.

"hi", he whispered, biting on her neck to leave a mark.

she turned to face him and her arms slid to the back of his neck. he pulled her into a deep kiss. their tongues played around for a bit as his hand busied itself by reaching in between her legs, running up and down her clit slightly. she moaned into the kiss. he pushed her up against the glass and broke away.

a switch of dominance seemed to click as he stared at her. "on your knees"

she was addicted to this side of him that came out every time they fucked. slowly and steadily he grew more dominant each time. and she obeyed eagerly. she got on her knees, taking his cock in her hands when he abruptly shoved it into her mouth.

all the more turned on by this, she felt a pool form in between her legs, hidden away by the hot water of the shower. kakashi pulled on her hair, using it to hold her face still as he pushed himself deeper down her throat. tears pricked her eyes as she struggled to keep up with the speed at which he fucked her face.

"good girl", he said, letting out a deep groan as if in approval. he pulled on her hair more as she sucked him off, faster till he felt a knot form in his stomach. she noticed this and continued.

"y/n", he groaned again, grabbing the back of her head "fuck i'm gonna-"

he released into her mouth, causing her to swallow. she smirked as she maintained eye contact with him, licking her lips.

he lifted her back up, turning her so her back faced him. one hand wrapped around her waist as he rubbed his tip along her clit. y/n waited in anticipation to feel him inside of her. but his tip stayed on her clit, making her grow more wet without any intention to enter her.

"kakashi..", she moaned impatiently

"yes baby?", he asked, amused

"fuck me already- ahh!", he thrusted into her suddenly

"so demanding", he whispered huskily, easing out of her slowly. he slammed back in hard again, causing her to let out a cry, only to go back out at a torturously slow pace.

"kakashi go faster..", she moaned softly

"huh? what was that?", he asked, knowing fully well what she said


his hand came down on her ass, earning a whimper from her

"is that any way to make a request, y/n?", he asked, still going in and out of her slowly

"why the fuck is he teasing me so much today?"

"please", she whimpered again

"please what?"

"this mf i swear"

"PLEASE go faster kakashi", she moaned

"as you wish", he let out a surprisingly sadistic chuckle, making his pace increase in the blink of an eye.

"oh my- FUCK!", y/n cried out at the sudden increase in speed, trying to adjust to his size as he went in faster, any sign of softness disappearing.

he grabbed her hair, going deeper with every thrust, "what's the matter my love?", he growled, "you asked me to go faster didn't you"

breathless now, she felt a knot form in her stomach. "ahh shit k- i'm gonna-", she tried to form words but no luck.

getting the gist of her statement, he went even faster, sending her over the edge immediately.

overwhelmed, she rode through her orgasm. kakashi didn't stop after she'd cum, fucking her into overstimulation to chase his own high. luckily, the feeling of her clenching around him helped considerably.
few thrusts later he was done, pulling out in the nick of time.

panting, she turned around to face him. this was more rough than he'd ever been with her. but she had absolutely zero complaints.

"wow", she breathed,

"did i go too rough?", he asked, caressing her cheek softly

"nothing i can't handle"
wow this is the longest chapter in this book lmao

does smut contribute to the storyline in any way? no

but do i still write it? yes

logic 100

anyway end of the hidan and kakuzu arc

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