Chapter 1: Introduction

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Love. Love is always complicated, but I don't think anyone can beat my complicated love story. My name is y/n l/n. I'm a lot of different things to different people. I'm an agent to the organization of SSR. I'm a friend to Peggy Carter, as well as a co-worker. I'm a cousin to Steve Rogers, as well as a friend.

But I'm the lover of James Buchanan Barnes, or more known as Bucky, something that has always been important to me, well not always.

I met Bucky when he was in 1st grade, and I was still in preschool. Steve came home with a black eye, and Bucky was helping him home. At first I thought Bucky was the one who beat Steve up, but turns out, the other guy looks much worse.

I always thought Bucky was obnoxious and annoying, and he thought the same of me. I was very opinionated and sassy, unlike the girls nowadays when all they care about is making sure boys think they are attractive. Steve always said we fought like a married couple, and we were destined to be together. Back then I puked at the idea, and Bucky thought Steve should be a comedian with that attitude.

That all changed when I was a senior in high school, and my aunt just died. My parents gave me up, were too young to have a kid, and were never in my life. My uncle died when I was around 5, but my aunt was always there. She was like my mother, and I thought she would always be there.

I didn't get the news until I was already home, and I saw Bucky sitting on the couch. Once I open the door, he stands right up, looking very upset. "Hi?" I say, knowing he usually isn't here without Steve. "Is everything alright?"

I set my books down on the dining room table, not seeing anyone else here. Bucky walks over next to me, and he is hesitating on what he is trying to say. "What's going on? Where's Steve?" I ask.

He takes a deep breath, and says softly, "Steve's at the hospital with your aunt. She, uh, she didn't make it." I could tell he was being serious because he never talked to me like this. He usually argues and teased me, but now he's caring and soft, making sure I will be okay.

But I wasn't. I started crying, not believing the one role model I had in life was gone. I've done something I haven't done before, I embraced Bucky in a hug for two reasons. 1, I was obviously really upset and 2, I needed someone to comfort me, and he's the only one here.

I could tell Bucky hesitated, but he wrapped his arms around me. That's when everything changed. Ever since that moment, we looked at each other a different way. Emotionally, and mentally.

I then got my job at the SSR as an assistant to Agent Dooley, who is now the Chief of the office, and I was soon promoted to Agent, mastering martial arts and weaponry use. While working with the SSR, it's a rule that I can't tell anyone that I work there, since it can endanger them. So everyone I know, besides co-workers, believe I work as an assistant to Howard Stark, which isn't half a lie, I'm just his co-worker.

The next couple years were a bit bumpy. Bucky ended up moving in so we could afford the apartment we were living in, and Bucky and I got a lot closer when that happened.

But I always told myself not to fall for him, because he's a lady's man, and he was known for that. But not everyone can resist his fluffy brown hair, his icy blue eyes that feel like they are looking into my soul, in a good way. Plus with his flirtatious side, it's hard not to fall for him.

One day I just came home from the office, and I was making pasta for dinner, when I heard the door open, and people grunting. I turn my head, finding Steve with a black eye and Bucky with a bloody cut on his face. "Oh my god. What the hell happened to you two?" I ask, making my way over there, getting a better look at their wounds.

"Stevie over here was arguing with a man twice his size at the diner, because he didn't tip the waitress," Bucky says, nudging Steve slightly.

"It's not right. And he was treating her terribly. The least he could do was tip," he says. I sigh lightly, and make my way to the freezer, grabbing a bag of frozen peas, so Steve could use it as an ice pack.

"Please stop picking fights that you can't win," I say to Steve as I hand him the bag of peas.

"If it's worth fighting for, I'm going to fight," he says.

Bucky sarcastically puts a hand over his heart and says, "wow, so humble. Punk."

"Jerk," Steve mumbles under his breath, and I giggle lightly. I grab Bucky's hand, leading him to the bathroom. I kneel on the ground, going under the sink.

"Woah, don't you think I should ask you out on a date," Bucky jokes, and I roll my eyes, opening the cabinet and grabbing the first aid kit. "Oh, not as fun as I was hoping but it's something."

"Sorry to disappoint," I say, opening the kit. I start to clean the blood off his face, and I feel Bucky places his hand on my waist. "What are you doing?" I ask, continuing to clean his wound.

"I would hate for you to fall and get a cut like I did. You're too beautiful to get hurt, doll," he says, and I roll my eyes, but on the inside I feel like there are fireworks around us.

"How did you even get cut? Usually you come home with no scratches, no matter how many fights you get into," I say, remembering all the times Bucky and Steve argue about them getting into fights.

"He pulled out a pocket knife on me. Cruel guy," he says, making me chuckle.

"Well, good for you. It probably won't scar that face of yours, and it shouldn't take that long to heal," I say, putting on the bandage on his face.

"Thank you very much," he says, with the classic smirk on his face. "How could I ever repay you?"

"Do the dishes tonight?" I say, making him chuckle. This is when I realized how close we actually were. His lips were inches away from mine, and I felt like my heart was beating out of my chest, and I was scared he was going to notice.

"How about a date?" he says, and I raise my eyebrow at him, laughing slightly. "I'm being serious. Y/n, you're not like any dame I have ever met. You don't care about guys, and honestly I don't remember your last date."

"Uh, harsh," I say, making us both laugh. "Plus it was like last month. It just didn't work out."

"Noted," he says. "But the point is, I want to be the one guy you do actually care about, besides Steve." I smile, seeing how he was rambling, and not really on his game as he usually is with other girls. "All I'm asking for is one date. If you don't enjoy it, I will leave it be."

"Let's do it." Who knew that that was going to change my life? We ended up starting dating, and we have been going strong for almost 2 years. He's everything I could have ever asked for. He likes how I'm different from everyone else, even though people have called him crazy for dating someone who isn't 'society's perfect girl'. Though that didn't matter to him, and that made my feelings for him grow.

I love him, and that will never change. No matter what we face.

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