Chapter 34: The Highway Fight

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The dark haired assassin slowly got up from the street as cars passed by us. His identity is still unknown as he wore goggles and a face mask. Natasha pulled out her gun to shoot the assassin when a car rammed into us from behind.

Sam continued to drive, trying to run the Winter Soldier over, but he got back up onto the roof. Since the windows were broken, I tried to freeze him in the car, but he kept moving around. He crawled to the front of the car, punching into the front window to grab the steering wheel and throw it to the side.

"Shit!" Sam yelled, mad that his car is in literal pieces. We somehow kept driving while some of Hydra's cars were following us, along with the Winter Soldier. We got rammed into again, making me fall into Sam's lap.

Steve got his shield and put it against the car door and yelled, "Hang on!" He grabbed onto Sam and I while holding Nat and forced the car door off, making us slide against the concrete with the shield and car door below us. Sam and I rolled off, and I went over to make sure he was alright.

We all got up quickly as the Winter Soldier and the car he was on stopped right in front of us. A man got out of the car, handing him some sort of weapon that I couldn't recognize from far away, but it looked dangerous, that's for sure.

The Winter Soldier aimed for Steve and Nat. Steve pushed Nat out of the way before holding up his shield to protect himself. The gun was so strong, Steve flew off the highway and into a bus. "Steve!" I yelled, getting to the side of the bridge and jumping off, using my powers to lessen the fall.

The bus was currently flipped over since another truck rammed into it. I ran over to it, quickly getting in. Steve was laying on the ground, so I quickly ran over to him to help him up. All of a sudden, hundreds of bullets start to be shot at us through the bus. We, as quickly as we could, ran out of the bus, somehow avoiding the shots.

Steve grabs his shield, putting it in front of us to block the bullets. I thank Howard Stark for the vibranium shield in these situations. Steve started to angle his shield, making the bullets hit other guys as he steps closer to the shooters. I use my powers to get the shooters from the sides, making icicles and throwing them at their legs, impaling them. I also see Sam up top taking some guys out as well.

The Winter Soldier starts to shoot at Steve, so I threw an icicle at him, only for him to catch it with his vibranium arm. "God, that's cool," I mutter under my breath, before taking cover.

Sam starts shooting at the Winter Soldier and says, "Go! I got this!" Steve runs out towards me, motioning me to follow him. We start trying to help get the civilians out when we see Nat and Steve start to battle it out.

My eyes widen as I realize Nat got shot and I run over towards her as Steve goes after the soldier. I kneel down next to Nat, taking her hand off the wound. "What are you doing?" she asks.

"Trust me," I say, holding my hand above the wound. She hisses as I start to use my powers to ice the wound. "This should be fine for now. But once it thaws, you are going to need medical assistance." She nods and I look over to try and find Steve to help.

I see Steve kneeling on the ground with the Winter Soldier holding his shield. I quickly run over there as the Winter Soldier throws his shield into a car. Steve and the Winter Soldier start going at it, Steve doing mostly defense as he blocks all the attempts of getting stabbed. Steve makes a great kick, making the Winter Soldier fly into the car.

Steve goes to attack him, but ends up getting the Winter Soldier's arm around his neck. I try to slow the Winter Soldier down by using my powers to ice blast him, but it doesn't seem to affect him.

He goes to punch Steve, who was lying on the ground, but he quickly dodges him, getting up to stand next to me. Steve and I both go into attack mode, trying to get him to back down. I was on the Winter Soldier's shoulders, trying to ice his arm so it couldn't move as Steve hit him in the face with his shield.

The Winter Soldier threw me off of him into Steve, making him catch me, but he quickly sets me down. I step forward to give the Winter Soldier another ice blast, this time into his face, making his mask fall off.

I stop, seeing the mask on the concrete, wanting to see his true identity. There was where he was facing away from us, not showing his face. He turns his head, his brown locks barely revealing his face.


James Buchanan Barnes.

The Winter Soldier?

I could recognize that face anywhere. My Bucky. His hair was obviously grown out and he had a little stubble on his face. My eyes widened, but I couldn't move or say anything.

Both Steve and I defenses went down as Bucky looked confused. Does he not remember us? "Who the hell is Bucky?" Oh my god, he doesn't even remember himself.

Bucky was ready to shoot us when Sam and his wings flew over to kick him.

A million thoughts were running through my head. How the hell is he alive? Why is he with Hydra? Who gave him the metal arm? Why doesn't he remember us, me?

I clutch my dogtags, feeling the engagement ring on it, not knowing what to think. Bucky looks around, confused, as if he doesn't know what to do. He holds up his gun again, but Nat was swift to use a grenade launcher at him, making him run away.

My Bucky. The Winter Soldier. The man who I love. The man who was trying to kill Steve and I. I knew the world was crazy, and even after fighting aliens, this is more confusing.

I heard sirens all around us and soon Hydra agents were all around us. I couldn't even begin to care, just wanting to go and follow Bucky but my legs couldn't move.

"Drop the shield, Cap!" Rumlow yells as guys with guns stand around us. "Get on your knees, now! Get down!" Men around me, some I have had to work with push me down to the ground, face on the concrete. More men surrounded me, knowing I was the most dangerous out of the group, which also meant I got treated harshly.

Guys were pointing guns at both Steve and I's head, prepared to take us out here and now when Rumlow notices helicopters and people surrounding us. I'm not sure about me but the world would care if Captain America was executed on the street. "Put down the gun. Not here," Rumlow says to his guys.

I was forced up out of my position, immediately being put in chucky handcuffs. I was pushed into a van along with Steve, Sam and Nat as we started to drive to who knows where.

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