Chapter 14: Team

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It's been two weeks and I'm already up and walking by myself. Bucky has been very cautious about it, practically watching me take every step to make sure I don't fall on my face. I don't know whether to be offended, flattered or annoyed with him anymore. He's lucky he's handsome.

I noticed Peggy sitting in the cafeteria, so I decided to sit across from her. "Look at you. You should run a marathon," she jokes.

"Hmm, maybe after the war," I respond, making us both chuckle. "Do you guys have any updates on the Hydra bases Steve got?" I see her trying to hide her smile when I mention Steve and it makes me smile. They would be so adorable together.

"Yea, Colonel Phillips wants to get a group together, but Rogers says he's all over it. I wonder who he will take?" she says, taking a bite of the fruit in front of her.

"Beats me," I say. Peggy looks behind me and I turn to see Bucky walking over to us. He slides himself next to me, putting his arm around my waist, kissing my cheek.

"Good morning doll. Peggy," he says. Ever since the day we got to this base, everyone has known about our relationship and I was lucky enough to not to get in trouble, and Bucky has been taking that to his advantage.

"Morning," Peggy and I say in unison.

"Steve is taking some of us out tonight to a local bar. Would you two like to come?" Bucky says, his signature smile plastered on his face.

"Of course. Seems like more fun than this place," I say.

"I can't," Peggy says, which makes me sigh dramatically.

"Always missing out on the fun, Marge," I say, bringing back her nickname.

"I have work that needs to be down here, thanks to you," she says, eyeing me down.

"Hey, you know today is my last day out of action. Then I'm back to boring paperwork with you," I say with a fake smile.

"Well, I'm going to have to meet you there. Steve wants me to help get some other men there to recruite," he says, and I nod. He kisses my cheek and makes his way to Steve across the room, who was not so secretly staring at Peggy.

"You two are annoyingly cute," Peggy says, making me laugh lightly.

"I can picture someone you can be annoyingly cute with," I smirk and she rolls her eyes at me. "Well, I have a meeting with the Colonel, so I'll see you later."

"See you then," I say. We both leave the room, and I catch up to Steve and Bucky who weren't to far away. "So who are we recruiting for our little team?"

"What do you mean 'our little team'?" Bucky asks as if what I just said was the most absurd thing I could have ever said.

"Y/n is going to be a part of the team we are building up. She has more experience than all of us, so she can be really useful," Steve says, which is all true.

"I didn't agree to that?" Bucky says, which makes my eyes widen.

"What's to agree with?" I ask.

Steve obviously felt awkward, knowing our fights can become so intense we don't talk for days so he says, "I think you two should talk about this." I made my way to my tent, and Bucky follows, and I prepare myself to have a heated argument. We are probably the two most stubborn people I know, and sometimes these don't end well.

"I'm not just going to let you come along and be on this team," Bucky says, closing the door behind him.

"I didn't know you made those decisions for me," I say, turning towards him.

"Well I don't, but I should have a say. I'm going to marry you after all," he says, and I roll my eyes. He always is using that excuse.

"Just because we are getting married, doesn't mean that because you don't want me to do something, doesn't mean you can just pull me out of it," I say.

"Who says I can't?" he says, close to yelling. "As your fiancé, I can't just let you go out there, risking your life willingly."

"Then as your fiancée, I forbid you to join the group as well," I say.

"You can't do that."

"Watch me," I say. "I have the higher rank over you, and I could transfer you to go somewhere away from Steve and I."

"That's cold," he says and I smile. "I'm trying to protect you."

"If you are going so am I," I say.

"This stuff is going to be dangerous, doll."

"We are in war, Buck," I say almost laughing. "Everything here is dangerous. And you are telling me that I'm going to willingly stay here stuck doing paperwork while you guys are risking your life doing the important stuff. Plus you should want me to go with you so we can still be with each other."

"If there is a chance you are going to get hurt, even worse than the stab wound you are still recovering from, I don't want you going," he says, stressed, running a hand through his hair.

"I don't want you going either. I don't want you here, but you enlisted and I respect your decision even though I could send you back home. Why can't you just understand that?" I ask.

"I don't want to risk it," he yells. "Why can't you understand that?"

"I'm going, whether you like it or not," I say.

He groans, running a hand over his face. "I'm not saying you can't handle yourself out there, it's just... I want to be able to know you'll be safe, and you not being on this team is the closest I can guarantee that."

"At least I would be with you and Steve. Plus, if something would have happened, and I am not saying it's going to, I would rather be with you guys," I say.

"I guess," he says, and I smirk, knowing I won the argument. I know this is bad but I take all the glory I can get. "I see you smiling, doll."

I laugh and walk up to him, pressing a small soft kiss on his lips, and I could feel his faint smile on mine. "I love you, I hope you know that," he mumbles against my lips, kissing me again.

"I know. love you too," I say. "Don't we have a bar to go to?"

"Yes we do. I need a night out," he says making me laugh.

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