Chapter 19: Nightmare

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We rushed to the Austrian Alps. And when I say rushed, I mean like a whole ass missile. We needed to get there before we miss Zola. I was driving, or speeding as Steve says, as he was holding on for dear life in the passenger seat. "You should slow down, y/n," Steve says, his voice shaking from his nerves. I glance over to him, see that he was holding on his seat, eyes widen.

"What, there are no cops around to pull us over," I say, knowing that we are in the middle of nowhere. "Plus, we need to make sure we get there so we can get Zola."

"We can't get Zola if you crash and kill all of us," he says, and I chuckle.

"You need to live a little," I say, speeding up a little more for the thrill of it.

"You're a psychopath," he says. I turn my head in his direction, winking. "KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!" he screams, and I laugh loudly. After a lot of Steve's complaints, screams and shrieks, we got to the mountains. I hop out of my seat, opening the back of the truck for all the guys to get out.

"Now which mountain will they be passing?" I ask. Steve points up to the train tracks near the top of the mountain. "Don't tell me..."

"Yup," he says, reading my mind. We have to climb the mountain. Great. I think we should just let Zola go, call it a day. I sigh as Steve grabs a rope. He makes it into a lasso, tossing it up the mountain, getting it on the first try. He pulls on it, making sure it wouldn't break and was securely on. It wasn't that it was that steep, but we had to make it up to a cliff on the other side of the mountain.

I grab my gloves to give me a better grip, and make my way to Bucky, who was also putting his gloves on. He kisses my cheek and whispers, "We got this." I nod, taking a deep breath. I grab my weapons and guns, filling my ammo just in case.

"Let's start moving, if we are correct, he should be passing soon," Gabe Jones says, putting the radio in his backpack. We walk over to the rope, going up one by one to get to the cliff. I went behind Steve and before Bucky, using my upper body strength to make sure I didn't fall to my death. Steve holds out his hand for me to grab, pulling me up on the cliff. I looked around, now having a clear view of the train tracks.

"So, now how do we get from here to there?" Dum Dum asks once everyone was up on the cliff. Gabe and Falsworth were setting up the station, trying to connect to Peggy to confirm when Zola should be approaching. I grab a grappling gun that Pinky had, holding up, estimating where on the far part of the mountain I should connect it to. I shoot it, hitting the perfect spot. I take the gun part, giving it to Dum Dum for him to put it up.

"We can slide onto the top of the train," I say. Bucky and Steve both stand next to me, watching what we all and Gabe have to fly down to.

Bucky says, talking to Steve, "Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?"

"Yeah, and I threw up," Steve says, and I laugh at the memory.

"This isn't payback, is it?" Bucky says.

"Now why would I do that?" Steve says sarcastically.

"Everything will be fine," I say, squeezing Bucky's hand. He forces a smile towards me, and I walk back to Gabe, knowing that's all I'm going to get.

"Y/n were right. Dr. Zola's on the train. Peggy says Hydra dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle. Wherever he's going, they must need him bad," Gabe says.

"Let's get going, because they're moving like the devil," Falsworth says, who was looking through his binoculars. I look over, seeing the train is coming. Steve puts on his helmet and attaches the handle bar for his way down.

"We only got about a 10-second window. You miss that window, we're bugs on a windshield," Steve says. Well that's encouraging.

"Mind the gap," Falsworth warns.

"Better get moving, bugs!" Dum Dum says, patting Steve on the back. I grab my handlebar, getting ready to go after Bucky.

"Maintenant!" Dernier says, which is now in French. Steve goes down, making his way to the train down on the zip line. Bucky goes after him, then me and Gabe after me. I landed on the moving train, catching myself before I could fall. I look to my side, seeing the long long fall to the ground. Note to self, don't fall. I made my way to the latter on the side of the train. Steve opens the door, and us three go in as Gabe stays on top of the train.

I grab my rifle, holding it high up in the air, making my way down the train. Steve leads the way as Bucky and I follow, trying to find Zola. That's when the dividing doors closed, cutting Bucky and me off from Steve. He bangs on the door, trying to get it open and I look back and realize we had company. Bucky pushes me aside, starting to shoot at the first hydra soldier. I hide behind the boxes against the wall, as Bucky does the same on the other side.

I moved when I had a clear shot of one of the agents, making them fall to the floor. I look around and find 6 more. Bucky takes down two more guys, and he starts to refill with ammo. I shot the one more guy who was coming up my aisle. Bucky takes his handgun, shooting a guy down as he makes his way over to my side of the train. I go to refill my rifle as Bucky's hand gun jams. "Dammit," he says, leaning back.

I look through the window, seeing Steve ready to open the door. There are still two more guards to take down. I take my handgun, handing it to Bucky, knowing he has better aim than I do as our team snipper. I raise my rifle high as Steve opens the door, using the cabinets in the middle of the room to move the two guards as Bucky and I both shoot one of them down. "I had him on the ropes," Bucky says, a little out of breath. I smile at his attempt to say he was alright.

"I know you did," Steve says in response. Of course, when we thought we were down, we heard the reload of Hydras gun. I turn around to find a huge man in armor, holding two large blue guns. We really need to think of a name for those. "Get down," Steve says, getting in front of both Bucky and I. The impact of the shot makes a hole in the train appear, showing the large deathly fall. Steve drops his shield, flying towards the wall. Bucky falls backwards, and so do I, but my foot gets caught underneath a cabinet, and it wasn't budging.

While I was trying to get my foot out, Bucky slowly picked up the shield, trying to shoot the guy down. The guy shoots back, and in one shot, Bucky falls back, and out of the hole. "No," I yell, and I get my foot out of the cabinet, grabbing Steve's shield, throwing it to the guy, making him unconscious. Steve was already trying to get Bucky to grab his hand, since he was holding on to a railing, and I saw it was going loose. Come on, come on, come on.

Please, I can't lose you.

I see the railing become fully loose, releasing it from the door, making Bucky fall. His pain scream rings in my ear as I froze, not knowing what to do. His screams leave my ears, and I fall to the ground. Steve gets back into the train with me, tears already brimming his eyes. He sits besides me, also not knowing what to do.

This is all a dream.

This is all a nightmare.

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