Chapter 22: Lost Them Both

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"Are you sure this is going to work?" Falsworth asks as we see from below us Steve being surrounded by Hydra agents. My instincts wanted to jump down there and fight all of the agents surrounding him, but I know I have to stick to Steve's plan.

"We'll see, won't we?" I say. We were currently up on a mountain that faced the main headquarters of the Hydra base, where we are hoping that's where the Hydra agents will take Steve. I see Schmidt in there, soaking in all of the glory that he believes he's going to have now having Captain America in his grasp. After a while, I see a group of Agents bringing in Steve towards Schmidt.

"Here we go," Dum Dum says, as we all get our grappling hooks ready.

Once we were all ready, I yelled, "Now!" We all shot our grappling hooks towards the window where Steve was and zipped our way down there. Once we were close enough, I prepared myself for the impact of the glass as we broke through. I grab my rifle and shoot the agents holding Steve, and before I could get to Schmidt, he runs away. I get Steve by the arm and run toward Schmidt.

"Rogers! You might need this!" Falsworth says before we leave, throwing Steve his shield. Steve thanks him as we run in the direction of the red freak. We ran through the Hydra hallways, gunshots ringing through my ears. We finally caught up to Schmidt and Steve throws his shield at him, which Schmidt ducks, and the shield gets caught in closing doors, keeping it open. We ran to go follow him, but a Hydra agent with a flamethrower came our way.

Steve grabs me and pulls us to an indent in the wall to try and not get burnt. Load gunshots ring again in my ears, and the flames stop, indicating someone shot the Hydra agent down. The body was caught on fire, and we walked passed in, finding Peggy. Thank god she's alright. "You're late," Steve says to her, and I roll my eyes. I get it, true love and all but this is really not the time.

They took a moment to stare at each other and then Peggy interrupted by saying, "weren't you about to..."

"Yes we were," I say, tugging Steve by his sleeve.

"Right." I ran underneath the shield that was caught in the doors, and Steve grabbed it, running behind me. We ran to what seems to be the garage of the base, and I see Schmidt taking a large plane out of here.

"He's getting away," I say.

"Not for long," he says. "Hold on." He grabs me, and runs up grabbing a chain and letting us go over all of the fighting soldiers and land on the other side while we continue our chase, but we aren't fast enough. I heard a screeching sound next to me, and I saw Colonel Phillips driving a car with Peggy in the back.

"Get in!" Phillips yells. I get in the front seat as Steve sits next to Peggy in the back. Phillips drove as fast as he could, catching up with the plane.

Steve and I started to get ready to jump onto the plane as Steve yelled, "Keep it steady!"

"Wait!" I hear Peggy yell. I turn around to see her grab Steve by the collar and pull him in for a kiss. "Go get him," she says after letting him go.

I smile at their cute interaction that was interrupted by Phillips who said, "I'm not kissing ya" when Steve looked at him surprised. We drive closer to the plane, and I see one of the blades coming at us. I duck under, and Steve uses his shield to cover us. We get on the hood of the car, and I could see the edge of the road approaching. Steve grabs my waist, throwing me up onto the plane, and he quickly jumps up on the set of wheels I landed on. I look back, and thankfully I see Peggy and Colonel Phillips still safely on the road.

The wheel entered the plane, giving us stable ground to finally step on. I look around seeing multiple bombs around us. I see one labeled Los Angeles, Chicago, and the one that stocked out to me the most, New York City. They all need to be piloted by agents, and I see the agents coming our way, but it doesn't seem like they see us. There were a total of six of them, all armed with...pocket knives. I'm not complaining about what happened to their glowing guns.

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