Chapter 33: Jasper Sitwell

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"Do you think Sam will get him?" Nat asks, looking down at her watch. "Their dinner should have been done by now."

"Sam will get him, don't worry," Steve says as the three of us stood on the roof, waiting for Sam and Sitwell to join us.

"Steve, did you ever meet Jackie at the front desk?" Nat asks, still trying to find Steve a date.

"Yes, I think everyone has. She does work at the front desk," Steve says, finding this all a bit amusing.

"She's pretty, I heard she has a dark side to her. Maybe that's good for you," Nat says, and Steve's eyes widen slightly. The door to the roof behind us opens, revealing Sam and Sitwell, Sitwell looking very confused and scared.

"There they are," I say and walk over towards them, grabbing Sitwell by the collar and throwing him towards the ledge. Sam gives me a small wink before running back downstairs.

"Tell me about Zola's algorithm," Steve says, sternly.

"Never heard of it," Sitwell says, obviously lying as he stands up.

"What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?" Steve asks, trying to get something out of him.

"I was throwing up, I got sea sick," Sitwell says, and I roll my eyes.

Trying to provoke him I say, "That's kind of pathetic for a SHIELD officer, don't ya think?" Steve, Nat and I all cornered him to the edge of the roof and Sitwell looks stories down in fear.

"Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're gonna throw me off the roof? Because it's really not your style, Rogers," Sitwell says, trying to get the upper hand.

"You're right. It's not," Steve says, patting his shoulders. "It's hers." Steve moves out of the way so Nat could kick him off the roof and I cross my arms. I listen to his scream slowly fade to a whisper.

"Still a bit upset that you got to kick him off," I say.

"Oh don't be grumpy. I won the coin toss fair and square," Nat says, smirking. "Oh, wait. What about that girl from accounting? Laura..."

"Lillian. Lip piercing, right?" Steve asks.

"Yeah she's cute," Nat says.

"Yeah, I'm not ready for that," Steve says, making me chuckle. He's absolutely not ready for that. Sitwell's screams become louder again and Sam appears in his Falcon suit, which I stole back for him, with Sitwell and throws him back on the roof behind us.

Sam landed behind him as Sitwell tries to calm himself down after that thrilling incident. We all approached him again as Sitwell held his hand up, trying to signal us to stop as he gave in. "Zola's algorithm is a program...for choosing Insight's targets!"

"What targets?" Steve asks.

"You, all of you! A TV anchor in Cairo, the Undersecretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa city. Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA! Now, or in the future," Sitwell rambles out. Who's Stephan Strange?

"The future? How could it know?" Steve asks. It does sound confusing but ever since entering the 21st century, I learned not to question things.

"How could it not? The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it. Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, e-mails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores. Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future," he explained.

"And then what?" Steve asks, wanting to know it all.

"Oh, my god. Pierce is gonna kill me," Sitwell freaks out.

"Oh, boo hoo. What's going to happen?" I forcely say.

"Then the Insight Helicarriers scratch people off the list. A few million at a time."

"We need to shut Project Insight off," Steve says, turning away from Sitwell. He starts to complain and tries to run away, but I freeze handcuffs to his legs so he couldn't.

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Sam asks.

"Well, we have one of SHIELD's best spys to help us get in," Steve says, looking towards Nat.

"I have an idea," Nat says and turns to Sam. "You good to give us a ride?"

"Of course," Sam says. "Let's go."

"Can you get him?" Steve says, nodding towards Sitwell. I sigh but nod, unfreezing his legs and freezing some handcuffs around his hands.

"These are cold," he complains and I roll my eyes.

"Well the less you complain, the less likely you'll get frostbite," I say bitterly.

"No wonder that's your alias," he mutters, making me scoff. I hate that alias so much.

"Watch your mouth," I say, fiercely, making him shut up. We made our way to the car and all got in. Sam got in the driver seat and Steve got into the passenger seat, while I squeezed in between Nat and Sitwell in the back. I was very uncomfortable.

The drive was silent while I was thinking about all the ways we could get into the building without getting caught, arrested and/or killed. "You know, HYDRA doesn't like leaks," Sitwell says out of the blue, obviously nervous.

"So why don't you put a cork in it?" Sam says, making me chuckle lightly. Sam's funny, I'm glad Steve met him and made a new friend.

"Insight's launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a little bit close here," Nat adds.

"I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly," Steve says, looking back at me to see if I agree with the plan, which I do.

"What?! Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea-" Sitwell says, freaking out. Before he could finish his sentence, I hear something land on the top of the car and the window smashes. I shield myself from the glass and Sitwell was pulled out of the car and thrown into oncoming traffic.

Bullets start to come at us through the roof and I try to freeze the roof to prevent any bullets from hitting us as Nat climbs onto Steve. Steve pulls on the emergency brake, making the person fly off the car.

The person I soon recognize as the guy who shot Fury. The same metal arm, same tactical gear, same long dark hair and icy blue eyes.

"You gotta be shitting me."

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