Chapter 23: New Normal

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"We need to stabilize her temperature, director."

"Oh yea? And do you have any idea how we are supposed to do that?"

" But we don't know what her condition is. We are lucky Captain Rogers is alive, but she's different. Doesn't have the serum like him."

"Well, she's alive isn't she?"

I could hear muffled voices around me, yet I couldn't see them. Being surrounded by nothing. My eyelids felt frozen shut, but somehow I had the power to open them slowly. The light shines through, making me groan from all of the brightness. My eyes adjusted and I looked around. I'm in a medical room. It's the most depressing thing ever. The walls were the bland eggshell color, and the fluorescent lights weren't helping. I was on a medical bed, surrounded by crazy looking machines. Everything looked...futuristic.

Hydra. I'm being kidnapped by Hydra. I need to get out of here. I ripped a tube that was in my nose out of it, along with the tubes that were in my arms. I quickly got out of bed, but stumbled a little, not feeling my legs. Once I regained some feeling I headed straight for the door. I grabbed the door handle, trying to twist it, but it didn't work. I look down and see something I didn't expect. The door handle was frozen. How the hell did Hydra do that? I swear that it wasn't frozen when I approached it.

Maybe Steve is going to save me. I started to bang on the door, hoping that he was here. "Agent L/n?" someone says, someone unfamiliar. That's not Steve. I tense up and backed up from the door. The door swings open, revealing an unknown man in a white coat. "Agent L/n, I'm here to help you," he says, stepping towards me.

"Get away from me," I say, backing into the wall. I look around me, trying to find something to defend me with, and can't find anything. Is there a worse situation to be in? I don't know where I am, or if anyone I know is here, and this Hydra freak could be here to kill me, or worse, torture me.

"I'm not your enemy," he says, holding his hand out, but I quickly grab his wrist, trying to get him away from me. What really shocks me is when he screams out in pain, and I mean yelling in pain. I didn't grab him that hard, did I? I look at his wrist which I'm grabbing and I see his skin turning blue. Frostbite. He got that from me? I quickly let go, and he backs away from me, whimpering in pain. "What did you do to me?" he says in shock, tears brimming his eyes.

"I-I don't know," I say, staring at my hands. How the hell did that happen? Another guy storms in, with a weird looking eyepatch. He was approaching me, but I held my hands up, saying, "Stay back." Out of my hands shoots what looks like... ice? The guy turns around and the ice hits the back of the guys jacket. He quickly takes it off, his one eye widening at what just happened.

"Agent L/n, I'm Director Nick Fury of SHIELD. It's an adaptation of the SSR, you can trust us," he says in a frantic voice. What happened to the SSR?

"I need to see a badge," I say, needing reassurance. He grabs his coat off the floor slowly, trying to show me that he wasn't going to hurt me, and grabs his badge. He shows it to me, and I nod. So many questions were whirling through my head, but I need to ask one. "Where is Steve?"

"He woke up a couple days ago from the incident," he says. What incident? "He's alright. Just got him settled in an apartment. Still in shock."

I interrupt him and say, "I want to see him."

"Agent L/n, I think we should check you out first and then-"

"I'm not doing anything until I speak to him."

It's been a couple minutes since Fury called Steve. He said that he would be here soon. I stood in the corner of the room, being mindful of everyone and everything in this room. The guy that got hurt is getting medical attention, while Fury stands on the other side of the room, staring at me intently. I would feel intimidated if it wasn't for the situation. Steve couldn't come any sooner.

I heard large, loud quick footsteps coming towards us. Someone is running to us, hopefully Steve. The door swings open, revealing the tall blonde. Thank god. "Y/n. I thought you were dead," he says, approaching to hug me.

"Don't come near me," I say, backing up. He steps back, his face filled with worry.

"What's going on?" he asks, looking between me and Fury. "Did you do something to her?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Fury says. "She has gained some...abilities. Unless she's had these abilities beforehand."

"What abilities?" Steve says in a frantic voice.

"I...I don't really know," I say.

"She gave one of my medical agents frostbite and froze my jacket," Fury says. I sigh, hoping the medical agent is alright.  "So whatever abilities make her do that, that's what she's got."

"What? How is that possible?" Steve asks, looking between me and Fury, and I simply shrugged.

"I was hoping you were going to tell me that," Fury says, stepping a bit out of the corner.

"I'm sorry, but I'm still confused about what's happening here, and not just with what's going on with me," I say, almost too fast for anyone to understand.

"I think Steve should be the one to tell you," Fury says.

Steve turns to me, and I can see him contemplating on how he needs to tell me this information. What can be so bad? "Y/n, we were asleep for almost 70 years."
To say the least, that was a very chaotic day.

Steve believes that these powers are from the blue cube that we learned was named the tesseract and being in the ice for 70 years had something to do with it. I still think the whole idea of me having powers is crazy. It took a lot of time controlling and manipulating my powers to do what I want, instead of it taking over me.

So, as Steve likes to say, I have ice queen powers. I can create ice objects, snow blasts, basically anything to do with ice or snow, I can do. And unfortunately after the whole giving a medical person frostbite, that's my nickname. Frostbite. Makes me sound like a whole ass villain.

The attack on New York was the real first time I actually put my powers into action. I tried not to at first, wanting to avoid it as much as possible, but gave it. It felt powerful, but weird. Too powerful. But I knew if I was going to be surrounded by gods and aliens, I have to use everything I have to be able to take them down. And it worked. We captured Loki, and took down the Chituri. Did you know Howard had a son? Tony Stark. They could be twins. I'm like 90% Howard just cloned himself and named the clone Tony.

Living in the 21 century is interesting. Steve and I got a place together. It felt good, like the time before war. Just missing a piece of the puzzle. I'm now a part of SHIELD's Avengers Initiative.

It sucks if I'm being honest. And it's not just not understanding anything around you and how it works and it makes you feel like a grandma. It's how no matter where you go, you are reminded of it. Constantly people are coming up to me, telling me I'm a hero. It's weird, kids are asking me to make them snow cones. Like I'm not Agent L/n of the SSR, something I worked hard for but Frostbite a coincidence that I didn't even want to happen.

I guess this is just now my new normal.

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