Chapter 8: Files

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I hear the horn ring throughout the base and I roll on my uncomfortable bed, groaning slightly, not wanting to get up. I practically roll out of bed and get ready for the day. I wish I could call Peggy, asking for an update about Steve, but it's probably 1 am in New York.

I put my hair into braids, not feeling like curling or straightening my hair, and brushing my teeth. I put on my uniform, a long sleeve shirt with some work pants, and lace my boots up.

The day was full of worry. I had no idea what was going on in New York. Whether if the serum worked, Steve is now a super soldier, or Steve is burnt to a crisp. Oh my god, what if Steve is burnt to a crisp, that would be all my fault.

I was in the gym, currently lifting some weights when one of the Colonel's assistants walked in. "Agent L/n, Colonel Zang needs you. He says it's urgent," she says. That's never a good sign.

I hurry my way to his tent, and when I walk in, I see him on the phone and he doesn't look happy. "I'll talk to you when I get an update," he says, and slams the phone down. "We are going to send some of our men out to the Hydra base you were researching."

"What? Why? I thought we were going to wait until we gained more information," I ask.

"The Rebirth Project went well," he says, and I smile, knowing nothing happened to Steve. "But the last bottle of our serum was stolen, and guess what the man's last words were once he was caught?... 'Hail Hydra'."

"Okay, but we don't know what we're walking into," I say, knowing Hydra is more dangerous than he realizes.

"We don't have any of the super soldier serum left. We are going to have to take Mr. Rogers blood and see if we can replicate it because Hydra tried to steal it. If we don't do something now, they will just walk all over us, don't you agree," he says, almost yelling.

"Yes, but-" I say, but he interrupts me before I could say that we don't know what we are going up against.

"Then it's settled. Take these files, we are sending you with the 107th," he says, and I sigh. Bucky is going to be pulled into this. "I want you to figure out each person's assignment by tomorrow morning. That's an order."

"Yes sir," I say, grabbing the files and heading to the research building, deciding to work there. I sat down at my desk, flipping through the files. Bucky's roster comes up and I sigh, I can't bring him out there.

Speaking of the devil. "Agent," Bucky says, making me look up from my papers, and I quickly closed it. He sits in front of me, having his regular smirk on his face, let's just say he likes sneaking around, but right now I'm not in the mood.

"Sergeant," I say, leaning back in my chair.

"What's wrong?" he asks, already seeing the frustration in my face.

"Look, I'm just not in the mood for this," I say. "I'm going to go to my tent." I quickly get up out of my seat, grabbing my files and walking straight out of the building. I can't look at Bucky while trying to figure out where to put him on the mission that is doomed from the start.

I sat down on my bed, spreading out the files on my sheets trying to concentrate on finishing this tomorrow. Suddenly the door flies open revealing Bucky, and he closes quickly. "What are you doing here? You're going to get caught," I say, eyes widening.

"I don't really care about that. By the way, I think Dum Dum saw me," he says, and I sigh. He walks over to my bed, sitting down, and I close my files pushing them away from him. "What's in the files?"

"That's classified," I say, which technically it is.

"I don't care, it's obviously bothering you. What's going on?" he asks.

"The Colonel is sending me and the 107th to a Hydra base so we can infiltrate it and is basically asking to send out hundreds of condolence letters," I say. "It's the most idiotic thing ever."

"It's just a base," Bucky says, like it's the easiest thing in the world.

"They have these... blue glowing weapons that could disintegrate a person with the slightest of touch. We might as well just come in with only pocket knives. And the worst part is I have to assign what everyone has to do, including you."

"I can help you. You're not the only one who has been observing everyone in training," Bucky says, giving me a comforting smile. "So, you're going to have to explain what we're doing again."

The next two hours we have been spending trying to figure out where everyone will be located, how we will approach the building, and how we will travel to Austria. I was flipping through the files, making sure we didn't miss anything while I was sitting in between Bucky's legs, his arms around me.

It was nice being in his arms again. I missed it, I missed him. "So I think we got it. We'll meet with Colonel Phillips who is operating the mission, and make our way to Austria," I say, closing the file.

"Finally. I understand why you were stressed about that," Bucky sighs, turning me to face him. "I'm sorry that stressed you out."

"It's all part of the job," I say, leaning into his touch.

"I don't know how you do it," Bucky says. "Everything out here is so tense, and you have been doing it for your job."

"You get used to it. But usually it's not that bad. I do mostly this, file work, do the hardest stuff for the men while they get all the credit. War is a bit different," I say.

"Let's forget the world right now," Bucky says, turning me around on his lap. "We finally have some alone time. It's me and you."

"As you would say," I say, and start to make my voice deep, mimicking his deep voice. "I'm with you till the end of the line."

We both start snickering and he says, "You think that's funny. I thought that was sweet."

"It is very sweet, and cheesy," I say, still giggling. "I love you."

"I love you more," Bucky says, pulling me close and kisses me softly.

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