Chapter 7: Call

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It's been a couple months at the base. So far nothing major has happened besides training, and researching. I was currently in the research building at our base, looking at the photos of the Hydra base that we found. They are stocked with some blue glowing weapons, and they look pretty lethal. Almost all of their weapons had some kind of blue glow to them, that must be their power source.

"Excuse me, Agent L/n?" Ms. Angelina Corta says, walking up to me. She's always put on a nice face towards me, but I can't tell if she's jealous that I talk to more of the men than she does, or annoyed that she is stuck with me for the afternoon. "A woman named Peggy Carter is calling you."

I immediately jumped out of my seat, and thanked her quickly. I practically ran to the phone, knowing I would get another update from her about Steve. He's been worrying me, and I can't tell Bucky about him, since he'll be twice as worried.

I answer the phone and say, "Peggy?"

"Hi," she says. "How's work over there?"

"Alright. It's file after file of research and training the soldiers to try and respect me? How is it over there? Any updates? How's Steve?" I ask quickly, wanting to know how my cousin is.

"Steve is hanging in there. He's smarter than he looks," she says, making me chuckle lightly. She's gushing over Steve, how could I not see this. "Dr. Erskine thinks he's found the guy."

"Really? Who?" I ask. This super-soldier serum has been processing for years, and it's finally going to be in use. This could really help us for the war.

"You wouldn't even believe me if I told you," she says. "Abraham wants to use Steve."

"What?" I say, a little too loudly which brings unwanted attention to me. "He can't use Steve. He'll break like a twig."

"We are going to have to try. Steve is the best guy out there, passionately. He really wants this chance," she says, which makes me sigh. Steve you stubborn little twat.

"If you think that it's going to hurt him even in the slightest way, I want you to shut it down," I say. Nothing can happen to Steve, it would be my fault.

"Of course. I don't want him to die just because of an experiment," she says. "It's happening the day after tomorrow, just so you know."

"Call me when you can. I want to know everything when it happens," I say. "Tell Howard I say hi."

"Will do. Good luck with your files," she says, and hangs up. I sigh, and lean my head against the wall, taking a deep breath. Steve will be fine, Steve will be fine, Steve will be fine.

"Is everything okay?" Angelina asks me, but seems like she is saying that to be nice.

"Yea, just some family things," I say, expecting her to leave but she stays put. "Do you need something?"

"Actually, I wanted to ask you something," she says, sitting down across from me. "I've seen you talk to Sergeant James Barnes. Do you know him well?" Oh, boy.

I adjust myself in my seat and say, "Um, yea I kind of know him. Why?"

"Well, he came in here a couple days ago, and he said he was looking for you, and so I assume you two were close. And holy moly he is smoking. So, I was just wondering if he is with someone, or he mentioned that he was seeing someone, because he isn't wearing a ring," she rambles on.

"He has mentioned someone before," I say, feeling a little fire in my chest of jealousy. "Did he seem interested?"

"Uh, I don't know. We talked briefly but he said it was important to find you, so I just assumed it was urgent," she says. Pictures from that night flashed in my head, and I had to hide my smirk to not reveal anything.

"Yea, it was uh an important matter," I say. "Sorry I don't know much about Barnes' love life."

"It's alright," she says. "But if you do find out something, please tell me."

"Will do," I say. She gets up and walks over to her desk, and I had to hold back my glare that wanted to shine through.

I continue my research, taking notes at my desk on what I feel is important that the Colonel should know. I went through the rest of the new information, and grabbed my notes, making my way to the Colonel's tent. "Good afternoon Agent L/n," he says as I walk in.

"Good afternoon Colonel," I say. "Here's the new information that we received about the Hydra base. We have a confirmed location."

"Good. Be prepared for us to invade the territory. We have to make a move on them before they make a move on us," he says, and I nod in agreement. "I'll go over the new information, see when we should. You can go."

"Thank you sir," I say, and walk out of his tent.

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