Chapter 16: The Howling Commandos

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"Hey, love birds. Stop your snoozing, and let's get moving... See what I did there, a rhyme. Okay, we'll see you out there," Gabe says, waking me up. I sigh, not wanting to get up early.

"Still not going to back out of this?" I hear the morning voice of Bucky next to me, a little sarcasm in his voice.

"Nope," I say, not lifting my head off the pillow, and I hear Bucky chuckle.

"Then we gotta get moving, doll," Bucky says, kissing my cheek. I feel the bed shift, and Bucky begins to get ready, and I realize I should to. I slump out of bed, and walk over to where my clothes were set out. Bucky smiles at me, now seeing I'm up.

I grab my uniform, which consists of work pants, boots, and a t-shirt. I change into it, getting ready for the long day of driving we are about to have. "Ready doll?" Bucky says, finishing tying his shoes as I get my things that I'm bringing.

"Yup," I say. He grabs his stuff, and we head out, walking to the trucks. There we find everyone waiting for us, and Steve with a stupid smile on his face.

"Ready to go?" Bucky says, ignore everyone's looks as if they were nothing.

"We are just packing everything up. We should be on the road in t-minus 30 minutes," Gabe says, and I nod. I told everyone that I would be right back, and made my way to the research tent, where Peggy was going to be. I enter, finding Peggy at her desk, looking over the files that I need to be given.

"You know, I hate how you are leaving me," she says, handing me the file that shows us our routes 

"Then you should join us. Kind of dreading be stuck with a bunch of boys for the foreseeable future," I say.

"You know I have to stay back to analyze your track and to give you guys updates," she says, and I sigh knowing she's right. I just wish that she was going out there with us. She grabs the communicator that Howard built and says, "Use this if you ever need anything. Transportation, directions, advice, anything. I'll always pick up."

"Good to know," I say, taking the communicator. "I'll miss you."

"It's hard not to," she jokes, making us both laugh. She pulls me into a tight hug. She has been my best friend ever since I joined the office. "I'll miss you too." I enjoy the hug from her, and pull back, knowing I have to get back to the group. "Now go be a leader, and don't be an idiot."

I laugh at that and say, "But that's my natural state." She smiles, and we say our last goodbyes and good luck. I got back to the group, seeing the trucks were all packed.

"Look who decided to join the fun," Dum Dum says, and I over exaggerate my smile at him. I hand Steve to important documents as I keep the communicator at the moment, knowing Steve won't just use it for emergencies.

"Let's get on the road," Steve says, and we started to get in the truck. Pinky took the first driving shift of the day, leaving Steve, Bucky, Dum Dum, Gabe, Falsworth, Sawyer, Juniper and Morita in the back. I sit down in one of the seats in the corner as Bucky sits down next to me, Steve across from me and everyone sits in the empty seats around us.

It has become an hour till nightfall, and we were 20 minutes away from our first base we were going to take over. I started to go over the plan. "From our research, this is an information base. There are only 15 life forms from the last time we checked. That isn't a lot, but we all know what their weapons are capable of."

"We need to surround them, and make this quick. It's an in and out situation. We go in, take out the agents, and get out to blow it to hell," Steve says, and I nod in agreement. We stop about a mile away from the base, deep into the woods. We all hop out, loading up our guns and making sure we have extra ammo. I put a handgun in my thigh holster, along with a pocket knife in each of my boots and a rifle in hand. I put some extra ammo in my belt, and wait for everyone else to be ready. I also grab the bag of multiple bombs that I need to set in a section of the base.

In the distance, I hear a wolf howling at the full moon, making me hold up my gun in the distance. Behind me I hear Pinky howl back at him, making Gabe slap him to be quiet. "What are you doing?" Gabe whispers irritated.

"What, I wanted to see how far away the wolves are," he says. Then the wolf howls again, and Pinky adds, "2 miles away."

"What are you a howling commando?" Morita says, sarcastically as we start to walk our way towards the base.

"You know, that's not a bad name. We could be the Howling Commandos," Falsworth says, as if he made the name up.

"If we make it out of here alive, you can name the group whatever the hell you want," Bucky says, making the whole group smile. We slowly made it to the edge of the woods, and we started to spread out, about to make the first move. I get to the back of the base, and I hear Steve through the walkie talkie that we need to make our move.

I made my way into the base, shooting at the camera at the entrance. I pushed the door open, and made my way inside. I take my bag and start placing bombs around the base. I hear gunshots around me, but definitely not in my region. I've been lucky, too lucky. I know I shouldn't have thought of that when I place down my last bomb, setting the timer and I feel a sharp pain on my cheek.

I hiss in pain as I turn around to find a hydra agent staring my down. His glowing blue gun was reloading, aiming at me. I roll out of the way, making him shoot the beam behind me. I grab my rifle, shooting at him. I hit him once in the arm, making him drop his gun but of course my gun jams. I grab the pocket knife in my boot and stab him in the stomach once, then twice. I wipe away the blood I feel trickle down my cheek as I see him drop to the floor.

"The bombs are about to go off, get out of there," Steve says. I start running to an exit, knowing I'm deep in the base. I hear Steve trying to get a hold of me, but I'm more focused on getting out of here than wasting my time telling them I have the walkie talkie. "They are going off in 3...2..." I see the door and as fast as I can, I push open the door, and run to the woods. I hear the bombs go off behind me, as they force me to the ground.

I cough, knowing that I won't feel good tomorrow, but in all I'm in good shape. "Y/n, do you copy?" I hear Steve say.

I grab the walkie talkie off my belt and press the button and say, "I copy, making my way to you." I get up, grabbing the communicator for Peggy, letting her know we got one of the bases down. I jog my back to the truck, finding everyone already gathered up there. Bucky jogs up to me, quickly examining my body to make sure I'm not any more wounded than I already am. He wraps me in a hug, and kisses my forehead, not even having to say anything to tell me that he's glad I'm okay.

"Alright, Howling Commandos. 1 down 4 more to go," Steve says, followed by a little cheer. We get back in the truck, which we celebrated the night with drinks that Dum Dum stole from the base.

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