14 Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat

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So there was this DJ who was like kicking off
I don't know what he was doing
But it was sick man
Like, he was like
Hands in the air

Yori wasn't really sure whether he felt good or terrible anymore. He wasn't really sure he was feeling anything anymore. He just knew that he had this terrible craving all the time to get high with anything he could get his hands on. The worst low was after cocaine - he just felt like he had absolutely no energy left inside himself and like he could never be happy ever again.

Everything else was still not great to have withdrawal symptoms from, but it was still not fun. Ecstasy was making him feel depressed when it wore off and weed just made his mind feel like mush.

But he kept going with it. After all, he didn't want to feel like shit anymore. He was sure it would all turn out fine and so far his friends didn't really notice. They made the odd comment here and there, but they were still treating it as more of a joke. And when Yori looked at his mother he knew that he could survive for years on drugs, as long as he knew what he was taking and kept a close eye on his dosages.

He also didn't want to admit to his friends that he might have a problem. They had made some off-handed comments and Yori just knew that they were secretly all waiting to see him fail with his little drug habit. And he wasn't going to give them that satisfaction, oh hell no. No fucking way.

Plus, he was a little afraid that if he tried to stop taking some of his drugs he might get really bad physical withdrawal symptoms. And that wouldn't be fun. Not at all. The last thing he wanted was to blow his friends' cover and cause a big scene because he decided to detox in his dorm room.

And it wasn't like he felt too bad. As long as he had his drugs he was perfectly fine. And right now he had a pretty good supply anyway. After all, he had been perfecting stretching what he was selling over the last few weeks. He was getting good at it. And no one was even asking about the weird stain in the kitchen anymore. (Yori still felt kind of guilty about that, to be honest.)

So he was good. He was perfectly fine, even as he was zoning out in the middle of his Japanese literature class right now. He hadn't been able to focus on class for ages, but it didn't matter. There were people who managed to get the test results out of the safest safes and he just needed to shuffle them some free stuff and he'd be fine. Honestly, exam results were one of the hottest goods at UA, they were even more popular than the drugs he sold with his friends.

But they still made really good business. And now they weren't even dealing with the stuff directly, which made it even safer for them. All they could get caught with was sneaking out to the club, but since they were business students and since Mic was their homeroom teacher, no one even cared if they did that. He'd give them the standard speech and tell them not to get caught next time.

Sometimes Yori wondered how he had managed to become a teacher, but it was probably because he was really good at English. To be honest, Yori's English wouldn't be half as good as it was right now if it wasn't for Present Mic's classes. He wasn't bad at teaching, he was just bad at being a role model.

But for the five of them it couldn't be better. They were thriving off his negligence and they were making a shit ton of money. Yori wondered just how much trouble Mic would be in if they were ever found out, but usually he didn't like thinking about that. Probably because it would be a lot of trouble. Like the getting fired kind of trouble. And that wasn't a fun thought for Yori.

He was sure the others didn't want him to get fired because of them either. Except Azami, maybe. She seemed to have some irrational kind of hate for this guy. Which was odd for someone like her who was priding herself that much with being very rational and responsible.

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