36 Apple Bottom Jeans

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The whole club was looking at her

She hit the floor (she hit the floor)

Azami put down her throwaway phone, trying to calm down her beating heart. She hadn't set up a deal with someone else in what felt like a million years, but she had just done it. While the police were listening to it. She had set up the deal in their first step to wipe out their old drug gang.

It felt like a really scary thing to do for some reason. Azami had always been a little nervous before setting up deals like that, but it had never been this bad. Maybe it was because the police were right there. Maybe it was because she hadn't done it for a while and wasn't sure whether she could still pull it off. Either way, her heart was going a mile a minute and her breath was becoming shallow.

Was... was she having an actual panic attack over something she had done a million times already? Oh God. She felt like she was about to die. This was it. She was going to get a heart attack and die. What was she supposed to do with panic attacks? Breathe. She needed to breathe. She needed air.

"Are you okay? Azami?" one of the police officers asked, as they gave her a concerned look. She shook her head no.

"Need to... breathe..." Azami managed to stammer, before she blacked out. She wasn't sure how long she was out, but she figured it had only been a few seconds, because... well, not much else was different, except for Hitoshi and one of the police officers at her side, holding her, so she wouldn't hit the ground.

"Shit, Azami, are you okay?" Hitoshi asked. Azami groaned, as she felt a slight headache spreading through her skull.

"I don't know... I think so? More okay than a few moments ago, at least..." she mumbled and sat up with Hitoshi's help. This was so embarrassing. Why did she need his help? She just wanted to die of shame right now. If she had any energy left, she probably would have blushed.

"What happened?" Hitoshi asked. He sounded so worried and Azami was almost happy about it until she realized that they still weren't a thing again and that he'd probably be this worried about anyone. Stupid Azami, thinking she was special or something. That just made it more embarrassing.

"I dunno, I just had palpitations and started feeling dizzy and like I couldn't breathe. And then I just blacked out." she explained with a shrug. Hitoshi nodded with a little smile and brushed some strands of hair out of her face. Azami wanted to swat his hand away, but changed her mind last minute. This was nice and she didn't know when she would experience it again, after all.

"Sounds like you had a bit of a panic attack. You should probably go back to your dorm and rest for a while. You did well. They bought it all without even questioning you." Hitoshi told her.

"Maybe. It was scary. I don't even know why, it just was. Maybe because people were listening in or because I wasn't sure whether they'd figure it all out or... I don't know. I'm sorry, I don't know why I just... why I just panicked, it's a little embarrassing." Azami replied, feeling the blush creeping into her cheeks at last. Hitoshi just shook his head with a wide smile.

"It's not embarrassing. It's totally fine. Don't worry about it. Come on, I'll bring you back to your dorm, if that's okay with you?"

"Y-yeah, that would be great. Thanks, Hitoshi." Azami replied shyly. Since when was she this helpless? God, she really hated it. But at least Hitoshi was taking good care of her. Maybe he did still like her?

"Alright, can you stand up? Or do you want to stay here on the floor for a bit?" Hitoshi asked her.

"I... I think I should be able to get up. Give me a second." Azami mumbled and pushed herself onto her feet. She was feeling a little dizzy and weak in her knees, but at least she didn't feel like completely blacking out again. That was a good start, wasn't it? Now she just needed to get up... slowly... maybe her circulation wouldn't just shut down if she went about it really slow.

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