26 Black Cats And Voodoo Dolls

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She took my heart, and she took my money

She must've slipped me a sleeping pill

Mitsuo wasn't really sure what to do with himself ever since Yori was dead. He wasn't sure how to behave. Was he supposed to act normal? Was he supposed to act sad? He couldn't tell what exactly people were expecting of him. So he figured it might be best if he just continued as before.

After all, under the right point of view anything could look suspicious. And their business wouldn't run itself. Someone had to go and continue or they'd all get into a lot of trouble, especially when it came to money. There was another thing that might become a real issue for them.

The police had been searching Yori's room, they had completely taken the place apart. So they could only hope that Yori hadn't left anything behind that would incriminate them all. But with their luck he probably had kept a minute diary or some bullshit like that. But maybe they'd be lucky.

It was hard enough to get rid of all the evidence from their own rooms just in time before the police came to question them. All of them had been basically commuting between the police station, UA and the club for the last few weeks, trying to continue selling while not looking suspicious.

And it wasn't easy to sell for Saki, Azami and Keiko while they were being all depressed in some corner of the club. Mitsuo knew that they probably weren't in much of a mood to be partying, but... well, wouldn't they at least try? In the end it would look like they had been on board with Yori going to the police and they'd all be executed as snitches sooner or later and Mitsuo wanted to avoid that.

He wasn't exactly sure what was wrong with him, because after everything that had happened, he just... didn't feel much at all. He just put the whole thing aside and continued as usual. He knew he should have been feeling something, but... it just wasn't happening for him.

And it also didn't really bother him. Because looking at it rationally, he was functioning better than all of them taken together. He could continue doing well at school, he could continue driving up his sales and he was perfectly focussed during police interrogations and didn't spill anything.

In his opinion he was the glue that was holding everything together, but he also knew that the other three weren't feeling the same way about it. They seemed rather disgusted by him still being able to function, probably out of some strange empathy and piety or whatever. Mitsuo didn't think it was very practical. Yori was dead and gone and it had been his own damn fault.

And the other thing was that Yori had probably left a whole lot of debt for them to settle and they still couldn't get into his documents to figure out who they owed how much. Not that any of them really thought that he had left records of that. He was way too far gone for that already.

But they somehow had to go and figure it all out and settle all the debts or their suppliers would raise the interest to the sky for them. And Mitsuo wasn't ready to spend all his hard-earned money to correct whatever Mitsuo had fucked up. There was simply no fucking way.

And that was exactly the reason why he was still going to clubs, still living it up, still having drinks with all their bosses and their underlings, because someone had to do it and Mitsuo didn't mind it. They'd be glad when they'd find out how much debt exactly they needed to settle.

Of course, Keiko specifically was a bitch about it. She kept going on about some emotional bullshit and how he was heartless and how could he go out and drink and party as if nothing happened when Yori had just been killed and blah, blah, blah. Mitsuo was getting sick of it already.

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