38 You Gotta Do It

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Turn the music up, let's do it

C'mon people Let's Get Loud

Hizashi really hated having to meet up with a bunch of people and discuss plans and all that. Sure, he could do it, he was decent at it, but he wasn't good at it. And here he was in front of a bunch of high school kids that were all very well aware of his failure as a teacher and he had to tell them about a plan and had to get them on board with it. And he absolutely dreaded doing that.

Shouta was good at things like this. He was good at making plans, he was a good strategist. He always thought way too much about everything, but for a situation like this he was clearly better suited. But apparently he had other business to take care of so he had left him in charge of this meeting.

Hizashi hated being in front of all these children, having to try to get them to listen to this plan and to follow through with it, especially since it was a highly hypothetical plan and nothing was really that sure about it. They were going off a hunch with this, but that was all they had right now.

He would have thought being a teacher would have prepared him for things like this, but it absolutely had not. Sure, he was teaching kids business classes and English classes, but it wasn't like anyone actually listened to him. And Hizashi truly did not care if they listened or not, because in the end it was their own grades that were affected and not his pay, so not his problem.

But this here? This was definitely his problem. If this went wrong then he wasn't sure if he'd be able to keep his job and that would really suck. Sure, he had two other jobs on the side, but he had also gotten used to a certain lifestyle and it would suck having to live without the teaching money.

So this had to go well and somehow he had to motivate a bunch of 16 year olds to risk their lives to fix a stupid mistake they had made, so they wouldn't go to jail and he wouldn't lose his job. Great. Just great. Especially since teenagers were so well-known for being incredibly reasonable.

"Okay, everyone. Are we all ready to hear about this plan?" he asked them. There were the four main troublemakers from his class - Azami, Keiko, Saki and Mitsuo - who were just nodding, as if it was no big deal. They had probably seen more dangerous shit, so he wouldn't be surprised if they were numbed down. Hitoshi looked much the same as those four, but that was probably due to his constant lack of sleep. He was a bit like Shouta in that regard.

And then there was Chie from General Studies, Mina from the Hero Course and that annoying kid, Monoma. Hizashi had no idea why Monoma was here, but it would probably be useful to have someone who could copy the most useful Quirks, just in case something went wrong.

"I guess I'm ready..." Mina mumbled. She honestly looked least ready out of all of them. She looked more like she was about to cry and Hizashi was in a good mood to just send her home and tell her to take it easy, but... well, if she didn't want to end up in jail then she had to be here.

"Right. Let's get this over with, then. So, we're ready to go on our final mission before we're done with this whole thing. We have information on where the boss of that drug gang you got into is going to be tomorrow night and we're going to take our chances and get him arrested that night. Are you with me so far?" Hizashi wanted to know. He wasn't even sure how much each of them knew of this entire situation and it was making him nervous that he had to guess at this.

"Mr. Yamada? We already know all that. Why don't you just tell us what our individual roles are and then we'll go over the timeline for the evening and be done with it. Sound good?" Azami asked.

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