35 This Shit Be Hittin Different

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What's up?

I just got one thing left to do

Mitsuo couldn't believe he was doing this, but apparently he was also susceptible to peer pressure, just like everyone else. Which meant that he was absolutely about to find out who was at the top of the food chain in their little drug ring. It seemed like a scary (and unnecessary) thing to do, but well. Everyone seemed to insist on switching sides right now, so he might do so as well.

He was feeling a little bad about everything he had done. He had gotten Yori murdered to keep all this a secret and now they were just out here, working to get everyone caught. He could have just let him live and let Yori do the dirty work or something, but instead he had taken the hassle of having him killed upon himself. And what was it all for now? That's right - nothing.

He was kind of annoyed, thinking about that as he went through his contacts, searching for the right person to meet up with. He knew exactly how to get the kind of information Azami and Aizawa and everyone else was looking for. Maybe now was just the right time to use his contacts.

Mitsuo sighed. When had he become a fan of this idea? He never agreed to all of them working together with the authorities. But... well, he also didn't want to go to jail. And it would have been stupid to deny his involvement in all of this, especially after Hitoshi and Azami had told everyone everything.

But maybe this would be good. Maybe he'd have a chance to rebuild something like this for himself in whatever new place he'd be sent to. Apparently it was all already being arranged, so his parents wouldn't have to worry about it. As if they would have even cared much about what happened to him.

Well, wherever he would be sent, he really hoped it would be far, far away from here. And from all the others. He wouldn't mind having to go all the way up north and starting fresh there. He was pretty sure that no one up there knew him and that he'd probably easily be able to get back into some sort of business that was some nice and easy side money. But that was in the future.

And that time he'd work alone. No one else to tag along and rat him out again. Mitsuo knew he could easily keep things like that a secret from everyone else, but as soon as there was someone else involved, it would get complicated. It was difficult to control someone else and keep them in check.

So maybe all of this would be a learning experience. He'd go and play the good guy until he got another chance to start fresh and get back into everything once the air had cleared. Right now it was too risky anyway, and he probably had to wait until he was done with high school and possibly college. Once he was in his dad's company, he could probably go and get into whatever he wanted to.

And he'd make sure it would be a success. It would maybe be good to eliminate this gang effectively. If there was a vacuum, he could probably swoop right in and fill the spot. After all he would have outsmarted all of them to get the big boss arrested. They had to follow him then, right?

But that plan would only work if he was moved somewhere fairly close by. If he was sent far away, then by the time he'd be back, someone else would have stolen that spot from him. Mitsuo sighed. This was more complicated than it had seemed at first. For a second he had been thinking about maybe just stopping completely, but he had quickly dismissed that thought.

The last few days had been the most boring days of his entire life. He needed something - some danger, some risk - so he wouldn't die of boredom. He couldn't just go back to going to school and doing homework and maybe sneaking out on the weekends to go partying. It just wouldn't cut it anymore.

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