3 He Would Have Tried

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He would have tried!

(Oh!) He would have faced you!

All night long!

Then at last you've gone

Yori couldn't believe he was actually doing this. He was watching the two men as they were handing his mother a whole assortment of pills. Yori knew his mother paid some good money for that stuff - they were pharmaceuticals after all. The proper stuff, not some shit that was sold on the streets.

He had promised to see if he could get in touch with a few people, but it had taken quite a while until they had actually shown up again. He had to play this right. These guys seemed pretty big. He probably wouldn't be able to get anything from them, but he might get a few contacts, if anything.

And now that they were in the middle of their summer break, it wasn't even like he was constantly feeling watched by teachers and other students and people were only bugging him for more drugs by texting him.Things were much more relaxed, so Yori was almost sure he could play this cool.

He did have to play his cards right, though. His mother had been buying from these two for as long as he could remember, so they had to be doing something right. They had to be high up in the hierarchy, Yori couldn't really imagine how they'd get all the good stuff otherwise. So in order for this to work he had to pretend to be a small fish. Just the local high school dealer. Not a big guy.

They might be more inclined to help him out if they knew that they didn't already have a huge demand. It would be easier if they thought he was just trying to make some pocket money or something.

They were heading out of the living room now. His mother was following them, pale as a sheet (as usual) and completely out of it. Yori was surprised she was even able to form proper sentences in that state, but somehow she managed. Maybe she was getting too used to all of that.

"Yori, dear, would you show these gentlemen to the door, please?" she asked, slurring some of her words.

"Sure, mum." he replied with a cheerful smile. That was the moment he had been waiting for. Time to shine.

"Hey, so, uhm... you guys are selling, huh?" he said to them as he was leading them through the hallways. The two of them looked at each other. Well, it wasn't exactly shining what he did.

"That's nothing that should concern you, kid." one of them answered without as much as looking at him.

"You know, my friends and I have a bit of a... business venture. We've got some people at U.A. willing to buy. And I mean it's not easy to get in, I figured that might be a good new market for this kinda stuff..." Yori continued explaining. The two men looked at each other and sighed.

"Kid, this is nothing you should get into. And U.A. is strict. You'll get caught. Not worth the trouble." the other one muttered.

"Really? Because with the first bag we sold, we didn't get caught at all. And we made a good bit of cash..." Yori said nonchalantly.

"What'd you sell?" one of them wanted to know. Yori smirked and shrugged, as if it all was no big deal.

"Oh, you know, just some ecstasy. People were eating them up. U.A. is really demanding and expects a lot from their students. They need something for all that pressure." he said with a sigh.

"Well, then get some more from the guy you got the first bag from." the dealer replied with a grin.

"See, that's the problem. We found the first bag. So, there was no supplier. And now we have a huge demand and people are bugging us left, right and center. And it would be a shame if that business went to someone else, wouldn't it?" Yori asked, giving them the most innocent look he could.

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