5 And I Can Drink Until I'm Tore Up

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I got a little bit trashed last night, night

I got a little bit wasted, yeah yeah

Saki really didn't like this whole hangover thing. It sucked. It wasn't fun at all, especially when she had to be in school and try to look as if she was paying attention. Thank God, they didn't have PE today. That would probably have killed her completely. But Accounting was just as bad.

She could see that there were numbers on the blackboard and she could hear words coming out of her teacher's mouth, but none of it made any sense. It was like nothing was coherent right at this moment.

She had a pounding headache, no matter how much water she was drinking and she was still feeling slightly dizzy and sick to the stomach. She had eaten the greasy food, she had taken the aspirin, she had drank lots of water, but none of her hangover symptoms had gotten any better.

Also, her feet were hurting for some reason? As in, not just because she was up on high heels, dancing all night, getting a whole lot of painful blisters. No, there seemed to also be some cuts on her feet and they stung and hurt a whole lot. Saki didn't even remember how she got them.

Another thing she had noticed was how sore her legs and arms were. It was to be expected from the amount of dancing she had done, but still. It came as quite the unpleasant surprise to her in the morning. After she had spent a good ten minutes throwing up bile, since she hadn't eaten much.

Throwing up bile really wasn't fun. It had made her throat burn like hell and her throat was still sore. Whether that was from throwing up or from shouting the lyrics to the songs, Saki wasn't quite sure. Whatever it was, she felt like shit, just from going out and drinking too much.

And hell, she was not prepared for how disgusting she would smell early in the morning or for just how tired she would be. Her eyes felt like they were burning up and she wished she had Mr. Aizawa's famous eye drops at hand, because... well, she now finally understood how they would be helping.

Saki had really hoped the shower in the morning would help her to feel somewhat more like a human being, but... well, it did help, but not as much as she had hoped. As soon as he had put on her uniform and dried her hair enough, she already felt disgusting again and wanted to take another shower.

Not to mention just how tired she still was. It was torture to sit through an entire day of class like this. All she wanted was to go back to bed, sleep for three days and tend to her sore feet and sore muscles. Walking to lunch was probably the most difficult thing she had done all day.

And the others didn't look much better. Well, Mitsuo hadn't been drinking a whole lot, so he seemed to be doing alright. Azami had eye bags that were rivalling Shinsou's, and Saki had seen how he had brought her a wild mixture of energy drinks and coffee earlier. She still looked tired. Yori seemed like a bit of a mess, but he always did, so it was hard to tell whether that was due to a hangover or not. And then there was Keiko who seemed to be suffering really badly.

Saki was wondering how Mina did. She liked that girl, she was good fun to be around and she liked dancing just as much as she. Saki also really, really liked her style. She hoped that thing between Yori and her would work out, because she really, really enjoyed hanging out with her.

And Shinsou... well, he seemed as tired as usual, but not really that much fazed otherwise. Maybe his training with Mr. Aizawa was keeping him in good shape for escapades like this, who knew.

Saki sighed. What wouldn't she give to be able to wrap up in Aizawa's sleeping bag right now and go for a nap? It just wasn't fair that he was allowed to do that, but they as students weren't. And it wasn't like any of them would ever use their business degree. They'd all take over their parents companies and that was the end of that. This whole school thing was more of a formality, really.

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