23 You'll Never Buy My Love

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Money rains from the sky above

But keep the change, 'cause I've got enough

It was the same old fight. The same old fight they always had. Azami had no idea why they were even still fighting about this - after all they had established their opinions and agreed to disagree. About a million times. And it was seriously getting exhausting, trying to explain the same arguments over and over to Hitoshi, who was acting like his morals were so high and mighty.

Honestly, Azami called bullshit on that. He had found them when it was still relatively early and he had been in on this entire business venture pretty much from the very start. If he was so much better than all of them taken together, he could have said something then and there.

It wasn't very likely that they would have listened, but at least he'd have a much better argument for having the moral high ground. The way Azami saw it, he was just as much part of this as they were. They would never have gotten this far without him. He got them into the clubs, he had helped them out with so many things that they would never have gotten right by themselves.

But right now he was pretending as if he was absolutely without fail and it wasn't fair. It wasn't fair to Azami who thought he was on their side, whatever may happen. It wasn't fair to Mitsuo who had spent a lot of time with him, trying to explain all the things he'd have to know if he wanted to set up his own business. It wasn't fair to Yori who had tried to bond with him to make him feel more included. It wasn't fair to Keiko who had been at Azami's side with relationship advice all this time. And it wasn't fair to Saki, who... well, Saki hadn't actually done that much.

Anyway, no matter how Hitoshi was trying to spin this thing, it just wasn't fair to anyone that he suddenly decided he wanted no part in all of this. It was almost like a personal insult to Azami and even though Azai knew full well, that this relationship was doomed to fail, it still hurt.

It hurt more than she'd have liked to admit. Because the thing was that she really, really liked Hitoshi. She might even have given up her drug empire for him, if it hadn't been too late for that. But now it was basically too late for anything, because they were way too involved in the criminal underbelly of this country and just getting out of that would probably result in them dying.

And for some reason Hitoshi didn't understand this. He didn't understand just how dire their situation was and that they couldn't just say that they were going to quit and be done with everything. There was way more involved than whatever he was suggesting they do. But trying to explain that to him was like talking to a wall. He just wouldn't listen to reason and logic.

And not only that but he'd accuse her of not listening to reason. Sometimes Azami wondered how she had put up with him for this long. And she also wondered how she was still so head over heels for him. And she really wondered how Mr Aizawa managed to put up with him when he got like this.

And right now he was sitting on the couch opposite her, after they had had the same argument again and he was ignoring her. It was absolutely ridiculous how he couldn't just overlook that one flaw she had. That one flaw that was the illegal drug ring she was basically running.

"Come on, Toshi, can't we just be nice to each other again? All this fighting really sucks." Azami said with a sigh. Hitoshi slowly looked up from his phone and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah, it sucks. But I just... ugh. You know what? I can't be bothered to go over this again with you right now. But just because we're all good with each other again, doesn't mean I'm in any way condoning what you're doing." he replied with a sigh and put his phone away, before coming over to her.

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