18 Gonna Be Okay

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A dizzy twister dance, can't find my drink or man

Where are my keys? I lost my phone, phone

Yori had no idea how long he had been there and what really was happening around him. He was feeling good for most of the time, but then it had gone downhill quickly and he was panicking because he had gone out on his own. Everyone else was still hung up on Keiko's mother and while it was nasty business, he didn't see why they couldn't go and have some fun to forget about it.

Well, by now he surely had forgotten about it, but he had also forgotten a whole lot of other things. Like where he had left his keys. And where he had left his jacket. And where he was in general. He still had his phone, but using it proved difficult as hell, because everything was blurry.

At some point he realized that he was really, really fucked up, because he was drunk beyond reason and couldn't even remember which places he had been too. He really had a bit too much and everything was spinning. He didn't even know where the group he had been hanging out with was.

He tried to focus on his phone and call any number he could actually trust. Which was proving difficult because the song that was playing was an absolute banger and he didn't want to miss it. But he knew that he seriously needed to get some help, preferably from someone he knew.

And someone that was sober. There was only one person he could really trust with that right now. She'd be absolutely furious with him, he knew that. He was going to get chewed out. But at least she'd try everything imaginable to get him back home, safe and sound and with minimal losses.

It seemed to take ages until the phone was picked up and the voice at the other end sounded tired and Yori knew that he was in a world of trouble, once she got to the club, because she had been on and on and on about how she was missing out on so much sleep lately.

"What the fuck, Yori? It's 3 in the morning. What the fuck do you want?" Azami replied, clearly unimpressed.

"Hey, Azami. I seem to be a little lost..." Yori replied and chuckled. He heard a sigh at the other end.

"What the fuck? What's happening?" she wanted to know, as if she had kind of been expecting this.

"I think I had a bit too much. I don't really know where my keys are. Or where I am, to be honest."

"What's going on? You don't sound too lost right now. Do you need help? Are you okay?" she asked.

"Fuck, I really fucking love this song. I just... man, I don't feel good, Azami..." he muttered, as he started feeling a little nauseous. Shit, this was bad. Had someone put something in his drink?

"Stay calm, where are you? Which club is it? Anything? We can come and get you." Azami replied, sounding as if she was about to panic again for whatever reason. Yori didn't really know why. The wave of nausea that had hit him had quickly dissipated again and he was feeling fine again.

"I can't remember. It's fine, I'll find my way home somehow. Don't worry, go back to bed. I'll just stay here and keep dancing until I'm sober again." Yori shouted over the noise of the crowd.

"Hell, no! You won't do anything like that. Just stay where you are, make sure you're always around people, okay? I'm not taking any fucking risk by letting you stumble around out there on your own. Not when we know that we're someone's target for whatever reason!" Azami replied.

"Okay, so you're picking me up? Then I'll just stay here. If I can remember to stay here." Yori muttered.

"Yes, just stay there. I'm getting up and I'm getting the others. You fucking owe me for this one, man. Can you give me anything? Anything that could tell me where you are?" he heard Azami asking. She sounded as if she was really far away for some reason. He looked at his phone. The battery seemed dangerously red... fuck. Without his phone he was really, really lost.

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