20 Tsunami

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Azami kind of knew that this deal was dodgy. Everything about it was dodgy. But she had already agreed to it and they were supposed to meet, so no matter what kind of dodgy vibes she was getting... it was set in stone. They had to go there, they had to go through with it now.

If there was one thing that Azami would never be known for, it would be being unreliable. She simply couldn't stand when people were unreliable with her, so she wouldn't be like that herself.

Still - maybe it would be smarter if they just stayed at home this one time. They had loads of money, there were plenty of other fish in the sea, they had no need for this. But as usual Azami's pride won. She would not be unreliable and if it was the last thing she'd do in her life.

The thing was, if there were any underground cops behind this whole thing - which she was suspecting - they better have some backup plan. Azami knew the area they were meeting in well enough and so did Keiko and Yori and both of them were coming with her. It was still a risk.

Yori definitely wouldn't be able to get away as quickly as she would like him to, but he'd be crazy enough to try some weird shit. Kind of depending on how drugged up he was later on and what mood he was in.

Keiko was a fairly good runner, but she would have to warn her not to wear any high heels, or she'd get stuck somewhere or hurt herself and that would look really bad back at school. Because if the police were involved in this and they'd have to run, there was no way the heroes at UA wouldn't hear of it. And if Keiko showed up limping, because she twisted her ankle...

And Azami liked to think of herself as a good runner, but she was either very fast on a short distance or very slow, but able to run a long distance. There was no in-between for her, and a policeman or a hero would definitely be able to outrun her, if they didn't already catch her another way.

She sighed. She also had to make sure they wouldn't be able to identify any of them. Which meant... sunglasses at night. Hoods. A whole lot of make-up. Azami really hated the feeling of make-up, but the difference it made was absolutely amazing, so for this... it was necessary.

Someone was knocking at her door. Azami sighed. It had to be Keiko, she had asked her to come over beforehand. She had also asked Yori, but she didn't really think he'd actually come.


"What's up?" she heard Keiko's voice as the door opened. Y/N turned around, her makeup half finished. She was wearing the kind of clothes she would never be seen wearing - all of that a safety precaution for now. The more she thought about it, the more paranoid she became.

"I'm nervous about this." Azami said with a sigh. Keiko raised an eyebrow, as she looked at her face in the mirror.

"You? Nervous? When have you ever been nervous?" she wanted to know. Azami shrugged. She was nervous all the time, so maybe no one really noticed it anymore. Who knew. All she knew was that she was freaking out inside. But she couldn't show it or her eyeliner would get messed up while she was drawing it on.

"I don't know. Something is fishy about this. Make sure to hide your face as good as possible. At the slightest sign of the cops being involved, we run, alright?" Azami said, putting away the eye-liner and looking at herself in the mirror. She looked mostly unrecognizable.

"Yeah, definitely. You have a really bad feeling about this, don't you?" Keiko asked. Azami saw that her cold demeanor had dropped. Maybe she was warming up to her again? Well, she wasn't going to count on it. Keiko liked to act the way it suited her in the moment, so she would be careful.

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