29 Sittin' Here Eatin' My Heart Out

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I dialed about a hundred numbers baby

I'm bound to find somebody home

Hitoshi wasn't really sure how to approach the topic. He was trying to think of a good way to talk to Azami about this, but then he saw Keiko in her cast and he got angry again and frustrated and... why would they ever do such a stupid thing? Why were they all so relaxed about it?

Everything was fine when they had been dealing just in school or just around the area.They were making a little money on the side and it was always easy enough to get out. Hitoshi had no fucking idea what had happened and when it got this bad. And he didn't know what to do about it, either.

He was completely overwhelmed with the situation in front of him. His girlfriend was a drug lord, someone had gotten kidnapped, one of her friends had gotten murdered brutally (or should he call Yori an associate instead of a friend) and now another one of her friends had to go to the hospital because her bones got smashed up in an accident during an illegal car race.

It really wasn't the kind of situation he thought he'd be in when he was starting high school. He would normally go and tell a teacher or something, since it seemed like the best option, but there were just a few problems with that in his current situation. A few things that kept him from telling Aizawa.

First of all, Azami was his girlfriend and he'd feel really bad if he got her incarcerated with this whole story. Because even though she had changed so much and was being really stupid... and even though he wasn't quite sure whether he loved her as much as before... he still cared for her. He didn't want bad things happening to her, but the thing was that the bad things were already happening.

And then he had been quiet for way too long and he had been helping them to get into clubs and all that. So he was kind of guilty here. For not reporting them as soon as he learnt about it and for actually helping them doing their... their stuff. Normally he wouldn't care so much, but he had an actual chance to go into the hero course now and he was worried to fuck that up.

Plus, one person had already died for trying to snitch on them and it really wasn't pretty when it had happened. So obviously, Hitoshi wasn't too keen on having the same thing happening to him. And he had a suspicion that Mitsuo was somehow involved in that whole murder. Which was bad, because Mitsuo knew him and Mitsuo knew how sceptical he was of everything lately.

So here he was, standing around and watching Azami awkwardly. He was sure she had already noticed him acting like a total idiot, but she didn't seem to think it was weird. She was taking her time to say anything to him, anyway. Hitoshi would have gone over to her, but... this was private.

And there were a bunch of people standing around her and he really didn't want to make a scene in the middle of the hallway during lunch. That just... no, that wouldn't work well. Plus, there was the possibility that they might be breaking up, so... he really didn't want to do that in front of a bunch of other people.

But then he noticed her looking over and talking to the others, before waving at them and making her way over to him. Damn it. Hitoshi couldn't do it. He couldn't break up with her. He couldn't confront her. That woman was oozing confidence and Hitoshi felt like he was at the height of insecurity. She was a complete, fucking bomb shell and he did not want to give her up for anything, but...

Damn it, he had to do this. People had fucking died. This was all getting out of hand. It wouldn't be long until the police would catch them, especially with how they were already suspicious (Hitoshi wasn't supposed to know this, but Aizawa had been gossipping). There was only one way to get out of this relatively unscathed for Azami and her friends and that was to confess.

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