19 Watch It Mek Mi Twerk It

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Two a dem togedda, man a watch mi wul nite

Dung pan di grung, mi mek it bunx, wat a sight

Mitsuo was pretty sure that the news he was about to bring to the table wouldn't be very popular. Not with everything that had been happening lately. But, well, Azami had handed him responsibility for business matters for a while, because she said she was getting too bogged down with all of that and needed a break. And he had seen so many opportunities that they weren't taking.

What was he supposed to do? Just let them run through his fingers? Let all those golden opportunities waste away like nothing? That wasn't right. That wasn't right at all. He couldn't just leave things as they were. So he had grasped a few of those golden opportunities while he was the boss.

In the end it would only be good for them. More money, more deals, more people buying, they'd climb higher up the ladders and it would be even more difficult to trace anything back to them. Sure, they'd probably become notorious in certain circles, but if no one could prove shit...

To Mitsuo it wasn't even a question of whether it was something they all wanted or not. It would be damn stupid of them not to do it. He was really only here to inform everyone of what he had done and tell them how things would be working from now on. Because the deal had been made. The deed has been done. All the details had already been finalized, he just needed to tell everyone else.

And they were slowly filing in now. Yori was the first, because he hadn't even left the common area ever since they had come back from class this afternoon. He had just stayed here until it was time for their meeting. Maybe he had been stretching some drugs or something, who knew.

Azami was next, she was the only one that actually looked well-rested. She probably had gone straight to bed after class was over, as she had done for the last few weeks. She honestly was starting to look much better with all the extra sleep she was getting. And maybe it was good she was taking a bit of a break from handling everything, since the stress seemed to get to her.

Then for a long time no one else was coming down and Mitsuo wondered whether they might be bailing on him. He wouldn't be surprised if Saki had simply forgotten or was hanging out with her new friend from General Studies, because they were really inseparable lately.

But it was odd for Keiko to be late. It seemed the whole kidnapping had taken a bit of a toll on her, which seemed like an obvious point, but it had only occurred to Mitsuo very recently. Maybe she was on her way. Saki had told him at some point that Keiko seemed to have a lot of nightmares.

Maybe she had been missing out on a lot of sleep lately, as well, and that's why she was late now. It really wasn't like her to be late. Keiko was always very reliable. But who knew where she really was. She had been behaving weirdly lately, always extremely paranoid about continuing. It made sense, considering what happened to her mother, but still. It wasn't like much else had changed.

Plus, they had kind of made a name for themselves especially after they had easily gotten Keiko's mother back without having to pay the ransom. Mitsuo didn't know the full details, but apparently Azami and some of the students from other courses had messed them up pretty good.

But he had never asked and he wasn't planning to ask, because that would just invite trouble. The less he knew the better. There was no point in knowing more than he had to know.

"So, what's the big deal, Mitsuo? Why did you drag us out of bed at this ungodly hour?" he heard a voice from the doorframe. It was Keiko, standing there, a strangely detached smile on her face.

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