Anxiety & Hospital Food (Chapt. 27)

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(Phil's POV)

As I open the closet door, I slap my hand over my mouth in horror.

Dan, my Dan, committed suicide. On the ground there was an empty bottle of mouthwash and when I looked up, I could've barfed.

Dan was hanging from the closet rod but there was a catch. He was staring at me and looking around. There was blood in his eyes from the circulation from neck down being cut off. His face was blue and I could tell he was about to die.

I looked around for something I could use to cut the rope. My eyes fell on a shiny blade on Dan's desk. I picked it up and grimaced as I saw dried blood on it.

I began to cut through the thick rope like a saw. My tongue poked out of my mouth in concentration. The rope was really thick.

Finally it broke and Dan's body fell to the ground. He instantly became unconscious and there was blood dripping down his neck. He had a cut artery.

I grabbed my phone and called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The phone receiver asked.

"A 17 year old b-boy attempted suicide and I-I think he might be...d-d-dead." I cried.

"Sir, what's your location?"

"29 Walka Way, M-manchester." I said.

"Is he unconscious?"


"Okay. Do you know CPR?"

"K-kind of." I stuttered.

"Perform mouth-to mouth and chest compressions until the ambulance arrives, okay?"


The phone receiver hung up. I walked over to where Dan lay unconscious on the floor.

I climbed over him and pushed him onto his back. By now the blood drenched his shirt. I put my lips on his cold, purple ones and blew into his mouth. My tears fell onto his face. I pushed my hands onto his chest and pushed down.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock and ran down and opened the door. Doctors ran up to Dan's room as I sat on the stair, crying.

Some guy from the ambulance sat next to me on the stairs, draping his arm on my shoulder. I cried into the stranger's shoulder as he rubbed my back.

"W-will Dan be o-okay-?"

"We'll try our best to save him."

"Thank you." I wailed. The doctor told me to move out of the way so the gurney could come down.

I watched my best friend get taken away in a gurney.

It has been four hours since Dan has been emitted into the hospital and the doctors say he's not stable enough to have visitors.

My leg was shaking and I nervously looking at the clock. The waiting room is really depressing. Some people were sleeping, others were crying, and some people were coughing and sneezing violently. The building smelt like laundry detergent and latex gloves. My mom was sitting next to me chatting with Mrs. Howell whose eyes were bright red and I could tell she was biting her lips to try not to cry.

I picked up one of the magazines they had on the table and began to flip through it. I was so anxious I couldn't concentrate and read the magazine so I put it back and stared at my shoes.

My mom turned to me and said sweetly, "Phil, you haven't eaten all day. Are you hungry?"

I nodded and she grabbed my hand. "Let's go down to the hospital cafeteria." She said and we walked to the corridor which had a lot of elevators.

The elevator was really big so stretchers could fit into it. When we got to the lobby, we went to the cafeteria and stood in line. I liked the environment of the cafe a lot better than the waiting room. The thing I always hated about hospitals were how eerily quiet they are.

I ordered a chicken finger and fries basket and my mom ordered a Caesar salad. We sat by the window where we could see out onto the grounds. There were old people on the patch getting pushed in a wheel chair by their relatives.

Surprisingly, the food was really good and I enjoyed it.

"Why don't they play poker in the jungle?" My mom asked suddenly, a small smile evident on her face.

I sighed, "Why?" my mom's jokes were always the worst.

"Too many cheetahs." My mom smirked and a small smile crept it's way onto my face for the first time today.

"Oh my gawd Mum, your so lame." I said and my mum just smiled fondly at me.

When we finished eating, we walked back up to the waiting room and saw a doctor talking to Mrs. Howell.

When she came back to her chair with a blank expression, I asked eagerly, "What'd he say?! What'd he say?!"

My mum smacked my arm and shot by a look saying, don't be rude

"He said he's in a coma." Dan's mum said quietly, her lip quivering, "they don't know if he'll survive."

I hugged Mrs. Howell tightly and cried into her shoulder as she cried into mine. I rubbed her back trying to get her to calm down since she was started to make a scene. She was sobbing loudly and other people in the waiting room were looking at us. I shot them dirty looks so they would go back to doing what they were doing.

"Let it out." I whispered and she cried a little harder at that squeezing me so tightly.

When sobs turned into cries and cries turned into sniffles and sniffles turned into silence I pulled away from her and her eyes were sparking as she looked at me.

"Thank you." She said and I nodded.

For the rest of the night we hadn't heard anything new and I was growing quite tired so my mum and I went home.

The doctors told Dan's mum that she could sleep in an empty room at the hospital but she told him it would be hard to sleep in the same building as my son and knowing there's nothing I could do to help him.

We drove her home and dropped her off at her house then went into ours. I got myself a cup of milk and went to bed.

I thought it would be hard sleeping not knowing if my best friend would be okay but as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.


A/N: Sorry if this chapter was boring or too short. It was kind of a filler but whatever I hoped y'all liked it! Happy Saturday and I just want to say thank you so, so, so, so mucn for 10,000 you guys are the best! Please vote and especially comment because I love reading them <3


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