Meeting People (Chapt. 13)

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(Phil's POV)

Today was monday which meant school. I changed quickly then went downstairs. Mum and dad already left for school so I poured myself a bowl of cereal and ate slowly staring out the window. It was raining. I decided to just walk to school today, not wanting to deal with the bus.

I put a hoodie on and left the house. I went to the park and met Brittany there. She ran up to me kissing me lovingly.

"Hey babycakes." I would never tell her this but the nickname babycakes made me want to gag.

"Hi babe." I replied.

We walked to school hand-in-had. I saw Dan and Hayley and dragged Brittany over to then.

"Hey guys!" I greeted and they both hugged me.

"Hello." Said Dan. He looked over at Brittany and a grimace crossed his face but he quickly replaced it with a fake smile.

We walked to school. It was mostly Dan, Hayley, and I talking as Brittany trailed behind.

Once at school, we all departed and I walked to the biology corridor. I went into one of the classrooms and sat down at my seat next to the jock guy from the first day, who I found out his name was Jack.

"Yeah I know. I thought he'd be cool and stuff but then he said he's gay and he's dating that faggy nerd."

Curiosity consumed me and I leaned towards him and asked, "Who are you talking about?"

Jack smirked.

"What? You want to get with him?"

"No. I was just asking." I whispered.

He laughed loudly and my face flushed red in embarrassment. The rest of the class I kept my head down. When class dismissed, I rushed out and hurried to art class. When I got in I noticed their was a new guy in here. He was lanky with deep blue eyes and a brown quiff. His eyes were deep but not Dan's eyes deep. Dan's eyes were like rich, deep chocolate that I just wanted to eat while this boy's were just a darkish blue that I could drown in. Why am I even thinking of Dan's eyes?

I noticed he was sitting next to my seat so I plopped down next to him.

"Hey." I said and he smiled and his teeth were pearly white.


"You're new?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, well I've been here for two weeks but today is my first day at school here." He replied.

"Okay class. So open your books to page 97 and read it with your partner."

It was some dumb activity talking about primary and secondary colors.

"Do you really want to read this?" I asked and he chuckled.

"No." He said.

"So what's your name?"


"I'm Phil." I greeted and shook his hand.

"Nice name." He said.

His phone vibrated and he looked at it, blushing lightly and smiling.

"Oooh. Who is it?" I gushed like a twelve year old girl.

"My boyfriend." He said in a breathy voice.

"Awww. What's his name?" I asked.

"Y-your not disgusted that I'm g-gay?" Troye retorted.

"No. I'm bisexual myself."

"It's nice to talk to someone who isn't a total homophobe. And his name is Tyler." Said Troye.

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