The Party (Chapt. 23)

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(Phil's POV)

"Dan, are you sure you're ready?" I asked and he nodded. I hooked my fingers into his jeans and felt his soft, tan skin.

"Three, two, one!" I said and we both bent our knees and jumped. His pants went up to his hip bones and we high-fived. Dan couldn't get his pants on because they were so tight so I helped him.

"Yess!" Dan shouted and walked to the door frame, me right behind him. He stopped right in the door and I patted his back, motioning for him to keep going but he didn't move. He then swung around and stomped over to my camera.

"Let's vlog this." He suggested and I sat there dumfounded.

"Oh my god, youtube! I haven't been on there in erm...two months? whoopsie." I giggled and nodded. I fixed my hair quickly and turned it on. The little red button flashed so I started talking.

"Hey guys. So today I am here with...danisnotonfire!" I paused a bit for dramatic effect and Dan waved happily, "So where are we going, Dan?"

"A party. That might give you the false interpretation that we have friends but in reality we don't. We have like, one friend." Dan nervously laughed.

"Very true. Dan I love your shirt, where did you get it?" I smirked,

"From macy's. This little twink over here picked it out." He joked. I giggled and nodded, " well we don't want to be late so bye guys!" Dan waved and I turned off the camera. I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out and opened the message seeing it was from Brittany.

Brittany: hey bby xx i'll meet ya at the party, k? text me when you get here

Phil: sounds good. love youu

Brittany: ily2

We went downstairs and left my house, promising mum that we'd be safe. We got into Dan's car and started driving. We stopped at a nice, victorian looking house. A red head came out and sat in the back seat.

"Hey babe, Phil." Hayley politely greeted and i waved. We drove for about fifteen minutes and we were in the front of a huge house. Music was blaring through the open windows, cars were parked all down the street, and there were red plastic cups all over the lawn.We walked up to the front door and knocked. Dani opened it, wearing a short, tight black dress. We all walked up and hugged her then went into the party. There were a lot of people here. People were grinding on one another, making out, and talking loudly. Everyone had drinks in their hands too. Dan and I went into the kitchen and I made myself a bloody mary and he made himself a brass monkey.

Phil: I'm here.

Brittany: Hey babes. I'm in a bedroom. Fourth on the left.

Phil: Why are you in a bedroom tho?

Brittany: Waiting for you ;)

I blushed. Of course I wouldn't have sex with her; I'm saving myself for when I'm ready. But I told Dan I'd be right back and went up the stairs. I've been to Dani's before and knew my way around so before I even went in I knew it was the guest bedroom. I wrapped my fingers around the gold knob and twisted it pulling the door open.

Brittany was laying on the bed in a bra and underwear. There were were no bruises on her stomach but not even three days ago they were yellow and fresh so I knew they must've been makeup. Jack was on top of her, shirtless. They were making out and it was very sexual and my breath caught in my throat. I stood there, gaping. Brittany pulled away and smirked devilishly.

"Oh. Hello there Phil", She laughed and Jack laughed too, "Now I think it's the perfect time to tell you. I never liked you Phil. You are just an ugly, weird, worthless fag. I'm a sexy, hot, and perfect woman. I can't even believe you fell for it honestly. Why would I ever want you. You are easy and innocent and don't realize that I played you. Just kill yourself, you stupid little freak!" She started cracking up and then the closet doors inside the room opened and three girls stumbled out, laughing so loudly and obnoxiously they could barely stand.

I felt myself starting to tear up and when Brittany started to kiss Jack again, I let myself go. Tears were falling down my cheeks rapidly onto my shirt, making the girls giggle even more. I pushed past other people in the hallway and rushed down the stairs. I got a bunch of shots and downed them down. I forgot how much I drank but the music sounded fuzzy and the people at the party were blurry. I leaned back and swayed with the music.

(Dan's POV)

It was around 11:00 when I decided to check up on Phil. I haven't seen him since 9 and wanted to make sure he was all right. I checked every room and didn't see him anywhere. I bumped into Brittany and asked if she knew where she was, to which she replied 'no idea'. I felt someone tap my shoulder and saw Dani.

"Dan, you should go check out Phil."

"Is he okay? Where is he?" I asked worried.

"He's in the kitchen." Dani responded and I nodded walking through the group of people and into the kitchen. Phil was sitting on a chair at the little bar. His eyes were bloodshot and looked as though he's been crying. I rushed over to him.

"Phil?" I asked warily.

"Oi! Hi Dan." He slurred and started laughing.

"How much have you drank? You're drunk."

"Me? Drunk? Nah, just slightly tipsy."

"We're going home." I said firmly.

"What? No, the party just started."

"Stop mesing around. Up you go." I grabbed his arm and pulled him up. He swayed a bit but luckily, he didn't seem fully smashed. I put his arm around my neck and put my hand on his hip. I went over to Dani and Brittany.

"Hey guys. I'm taking him home but I'll try to come back" I said.

"Okay. Just try to be back by midnight so we can have our new years kiss, alright Dan?" Hayley said.

"I'll try my best." I promised.

Phil was being stubborn, but I finally got him out to my car. I put him into my car and buckled his seat belt. He giggled when my hand brushed over his groan and I rolled my eyes. I closed his door and went around the car and got in on my side.

I pulled out and onto the street and started the drive to his house. I put on the talk radio and zoned out, just thinking. I wasn't drunk or anything, unlike Phil, but I had a nice buzz. I was just hoping that I'd easily get to get Phil settled in his bed and return to Brittany before the ball drops.


A/N: Hey guys. I can't wait to see what you guys think of the next chapter :) This chapter is dedicated to my friend Alex. If you're reading this, hi Alex! Hehehe Well anyways, vote, comment, enjoy, ya'll know the drill.

juliette xx

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