Chapter 37

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not edited so sorry for mistakes

(Phil's POV)
By 10:00 pm all the girls were dancing in there bare feet and I looked over to where they all abandoned their heels. I saw Dani sitting at a table with- wait! Hayley?! I didn't think she'd come since Dan wasn't here.

I went over to the two of them and Dani looked at me with an annoyed expression but Hayley smiled and stood up to hug me.

"Oh my goodness, Hayley, I didn't see you here!" I exclaimed.

"Neither did I. How are you?" Hayley asked.

"I'm doing well, thanks. I'm sorry about Dan not coming...are you mad at him?"

"Oh yeah...about that. When he called and told me he's not going I realized that our relationship was not working." She said.

" broke up with him?" I asked, concerned. He was already very upset and then Hayley broke up with him.

She nodded not looking into my eyes.

"We need to go. Dani, get your shoes we're leaving." I demanded.

"No! I don't want to leave."

"I'll take her home. You can leave." Hayley said softly.

I grabbed my mum's keys and ran out to her car. I drove to Dan's as quickly as I could without getting a speeding ticket.

I pulled into the parking lot of the apartment building and parked. I jogged up to his door and rang the door bell.

Dan's mum answered.

"Hello, Phil. You look wonderful. Why are you-?"

"Can I go see Dan?" I interrupted.

"Of course", I ran down the hallway, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I just need to talk to him." I called.

I walked into his room without knocking. Dan's back was to me and he seemed to have not heard me come in. He was sat in his rolling desk chair.

Taking Back Sunday was blaring loudly through his speakers.

"Dan?" No response.

I walked slowly over to his bed, "Dan?" I called again.

"Dan!" I screamed as I looked at his face.

His face was blank, his eyes emotionless. His chest was rising and falling steadily and his eyes were blinking. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't mistakes him as being dead.

I turned the chair around and got down on my knees so I was a little shorter than him.

I shook his shoulders, "Dan, please look at me."

I grabbed both his hands, "Please." I pleaded.

His eyes dropped to me but his emotion did not change, "What, Phil?" Dan's velvety voice rang.

"Talk to me. Tell me what is wrong."

"I'm sad." Was all he responded with

"Why are you're sad?" I asked.

I saw tears well up in his eyes and he turned his head, embarrassed to let them fall.

"Cry. It'll make you feel better." And cry he did.

He cried so hard he fell forward of his desk chair and into my lap. I pulled his upright and put his legs on either side of me and he faced me. He buried his head into my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around him.

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