Phittany (Chapt. 10)

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//minor trigger warning//

Chris POV)

Pj and I were walking to school we happened to see Phil walking to school. I was going to call him over to walk with us till I noticed he was with Brittany. They were walking hand in hand laughing and smiling. Phil kissed her nose and she blushed.

I had to talk to him because I knew what Brittany was capable of. She had a bad reputation of breaking boys hearts and stomping on them.

"Pj...look..." I said, motioning towards them.

Pj's jaw dropped.

"Lester with Domma? Man, that's just not right." Pj said.

"This can't end well, I'm telling you. Phil seems like a fragile boy. If she hurts him it'll break him." I said and Pj grabbed my shoulders and swiveled me around till I was face to face with him.

"I know what we're all thinking but we're not going to do anything about it, okay? It's not really any of our buisness anyway." Pj said slowly.

I huffed but nodded.

"Thank you." Pj said kissing me re-assuringly.

"Disgusting faggots," I heard someone sneer.

I turned around so fast i could've broken my neck and looked at the guy.

He looked like he was in his early 40s. He was big and his gut was sticking out of his red grease stained shirt.

"Bitch please. You're just jealous. While we have each other handle our 'problems' you have to get yourself off to some anime porn off a cheap website." I said and walked over sassily, pulling Pj along with me.

Once we were out of view from the guy Pj turned to me smiling widely.

"Chris that was awesome." He said high fiving me.

"Anything to protect you, baby." I replied and Pj blushed looking down at his feet.

"C'mon let's go." I said.

By the time we got to school I saw we were late, probably due to the problems with the guy, and we walked to first hour which we had together.

As we walked in the whole class turned to stare at us.

"Pj Liguori and Chris Kendall. You two are late." Said the man at the front, Mr. Randall

"Yeah...errr..." Pj started but I cut in, "Some random guy called us faggots so I had to call him out."

"Okay...erm...just sit down in your seats." Said Mr. Randall, shifting uncomfortably

I smiled smugly and sat in my desk that was next to Dan's.

Mr. Randall pulled out up a screen and told us to write down notes. When he wasn't looking I nudged Dan in the side.

"You never told me Phil's with Brittany." I whispered and Dan visibly stiffened, his face paling slightly.

"D-dan? Are you-are you alright?" I questioned hesitantly.

Dan turned to me and anger fumed in his deep brown eyes. In all honesty, it was a bit scary.

"What do you mean?" He demanded his voice getting a little louder.

"Pj and I saw them kissing and being all lovey dovey on the way to school." I replied.

"What!" Dan almost yelled.

"Mr. Howell, is there something you'd like to share with the class?" Mr. Randall said and everyone turned to look at him.

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