Chapter 20

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**picture on side/top is hayley williams of paramore and yep that's hayley in this story incase you didn't know what she looked like** :)
(Phil's POV)
At first look, my family may look disoriented and strict. They were indeed strict. Not super strict, but they do care about grades and tests. They liked when I kept straight A's but didn't care if I screwed up on a test or two. I mean, I'm only human. But it would be cool if I was a mutant alien.
My dad sometimes said the wrong things at times and was a little close-minded and old-fashioned. But he always protected my mum and I and accepted and supported me. When I started a campaign for national coming out day last year, my dad supported strongly with me. He proudly told his co-workers about it; When people would say bad stuff he would stick up for me.
He told me on multiple occasions that he was happy I told them earlier instead of waiting so he could start trying to accept it. And I was proud of him for doing that. He's always been a tad bit homophobic as long as I could remember. Since I told him, he's really been trying and I give him credit for that. When people tell you stuff over and over you start to believe it. That's just a fact of life.
But Dan's family...I felt awfully bad for him and Adrian. They were such nice kids, but they needed professional help. Dan has told me that mum and dad knew about Adrian's disorder. Six months ago, he was emitted into the hospital because of it and that's how they found out about it. He also said that they don't know about him cutting himself. He couldn't tell them because they wouldn't understand, they would think less of him, and see him as weak. I didn't really understand what he meant by that but it's his life so I can't tell him how to live it.
I wanted to get him help and tell his parents but I can't betray him like that. I promised him I won't tell a single soul. I broke that promise by telling Adrian but Adrian's not like other boys his age. He was mature and responsible for his age. Sometimes I forget he's only 13 years old.
I later drifted into a dreamless sleep thinking of all the chaos that's been going on.
I woke up to my alarm clock blaring. I reached my hand out from my duvet into the cold air to hit the snooze button on top of the blue box.
It's the last week before christmas break and honestly I can't wait. School's so stressful and i could really afford sleeping in.
I finally woke up and looked at the digits on the clock.
God dammit. School started more than an hour ago. I put on a pair of baggy sweatpants and a hoodie. I brushed my teeth and left my ebony-colored hair wavy, which I hate doing, and slipped on a pair of moccasins. I never had a pair and nobody in manchester wore them, but in America everyone wears them and they are super comfortable. I swung my backpack over my shoulder and literally ran to school.
By the time I got there, I was panting and my face was red and sweaty. The secretary glared at me as I signed in and I fought off the urge to flip her off.
The door of the science lab creaked open and everyone's eyes darted to me. I ignored them and handed the pass to the teacher. I plopped into the lab stool and Dan sent me a crooked smile. I looked away so he wouldn't see my pink cheeks and smile. I almost slapped myself in the face for acting like this over Dan.
When the teacher stopped talking, I looked at the specimens in front of me in disgust. There was a grasshopper, a frog, and a moldy piece if bread.
How scientific.
"You look fantastic." Dan joked and I pushed his chest.
"Oh shuddup." I giggled and he smiled brightly.
He rested his chin and his arm and his shirt fell down. He frantically tried to pull it back up but I already saw.
Four thin red cuts were on his arm. He gulped and looked and me sadly and guiltily.
"Dan..." I started.
"I'm sorry." he said quickly.
I rubbed his arm soothingly, "Don't be sorry. You know we're going to have to talk about this tonight though, right?"
He nodded and I smiled to myself.
"Why were you so late to school?"
"I like my sleep." I admitted.
"Touche." He strugged.
"Potassium." He corrected, and I shyly erased my answer that I had before.
"Science is so hard." I groaned.
"I could tutor you...oh wait, I have an F too." He said sarcastically.
"F for friends." He grinned.
The teacher dismissed the class but motioned for me to stay behind.
"You have an F, Phil! This isn't normal for you. What's gotten into you?"
Dan...not literally! You dirty minded sick bastards.
"I erm...I dunno."
"Is it something about Dan?"
"Why would you think that?" I questioned, gulping nervously.
"Well Dan's grade has dropped drastically, also. When two of my smartest, most advanced students drop from a high A to failing, I suspect something. So what's the deal?"
"Dan's just been having some...private issues were working on." I blurted out, rubbing my clammy hands on my skinny jeans.
"I'll call the Howell's to see what's up." Mrs. Blano explained as she stared to flip through the student phone books.
"No!" I shouted and Mrs. Blano's eyes widened and I regretted yelling that.
I coughed awkwardly and explained, "I think we can settle it ourselves."
She sighed but nodded and I hurried off to my next class, art. I sat down next to Troye and he beamed at me.
"Boy toy named Troye used to live in detroit." I sang quietly and he put a finger to my lips.
"Please never sing that again." I laughed.
Mr. Lorano explained that today we're going to be painting a horizon line. I grabbed a few different color paints and started missing them.
Jack bounced up the aisle, clumsily knocking Troye's books all over the floor. Jack burst out laughing anf I glared at him, while I was bent down picking up Troye's papers.
"Is that the position you're in when your taking it up the butt?" He smirked.
"Why do you care?" I said rudely then stepped closer, "And I'm a top thank you very much."
People say you don't know what you aren't til you've had sex but I know I would top. I like being dominant and controlling and the thought of being in control is more appealing to me than playing the submissive role. Fair enough.
A look of disgust crossed his face and he scrunched up his nose. I smiled smugly and went back to painting my horizon.
Troye high-fived me and I laughed.
As I was walking home, I heard moans and kissing noises. Me, being my nosy self, ventured past the school to see where it was coming from. After taking a few minutes to look, I couldn't find the suspects and I gave up. But a lilac quiff caught my eye and I turned around to see Tyler and Troye having an intimate kissing session. Troye's hand was cupped on the side of tyler's face and Tyler's arms were loosely around Troye's thin waist. It was so cute I couldn't help but to stare for a while. They pulled apart and I started sprinting away before they could see me.
Once I got onto the road, I put my hand on my chest, panting and walked the rest of the way home.
I opened my creaky front door and called out. My voice echoed off it's walls so I concluded the house was empty. I slung my backpack over the kitchen chair and immediately went over to the snack cabinet. I pulled out the box of little debbie brownies and frowned when I saw my dad must've eaten the last one. He's a sucker for sweets.
I settled on a granola bar and lazily turned on the telly.
A/N: Ahh, it's saturday and I have absolutely nothing to do. Imma loser

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