Old Dan (Chapt. 12)

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(Dan's POV)

When I woke up I wasted no time and stripped and got in the shower. I washed up rather quickly and wrapped a wrapped a towel around me under my armpits.

I changed into black skinny jeans and a Wildcats shirt and bracelets went on my phone. I was going to pretend like everything is a-ok.

I called Phil first. He answered quickly.


"Hi Phil!" I exclaimed.


"That's my name! How are you!"

"Why are you acting you so perky? You've never acted like that...?" He asked, accusingly.

"Just super-duper happy! Do you want to hang out today?"

"Uh...sure. Hayley and I are going to Panera bread for lunch. Do you want to come? But please stop with the overly-perkiness."

"Okay sorry.." I chuckled.

I was going to have fun and not think about everything.

"Hayley's picking me up so why don't you come to my house in at 11:30 and we can play until she picks us up at 1?"

"Okay. Be right over." I said and hung up.

I walked down the stairs and mum was sipping coffee at the couch watching the news.

"I'm going out with friends, okay?"

Mum shot me a weak smile, "Okay."

It hasn't been the same between us since the fight. Well, it wasn't really a fight. It was just me yelling at her. I felt really bad about it.

I closed the door and crossed the street to Phil's.

I knocked on the door and Mrs. Lester answered. She engulfed me in a hug and I was rather surprised.

"Dan! Dan! Dan!" She said, kissing my cheeks.

Phil groaned in embarrassment and his mum chuckled. Phil hugged me quickly.

"Sorry about her." He said, still blushing and I just shrugged.

Sometimes I wish I had Mrs. Lester as a mum. She was fine with him being bisexual and was cheerful about it. I could tell his dad didn't enjoy it but accepted him because he loves Phil.

"Want to play kingdom hearts?" Phil asked and I nodded enthusiastically.

We went into his finished basement and he put the game into his Xbox One and we played it. We were both reallyyy good at it and were so hypnotized by the game we didn't even know Hayley has arrived until the tv went black.

We groaned.

"Why'd you do that?" I grunted.

She was smirking swing the cord of the Xbox that she just unplugged.

"Time to go to Panera!" She squealed and Phil laughed.

"Alright let's go!"

I kissed her quickly on the lips and we headed out. Hayley drove, Phil sat in the passenger seat, and I was in the back.

"It's like I'm the dad, Hayley's the mum, and you're the baby." Phil teased, pinching my cheeks.

I swatted his hands away and pouted.

"I'm sorry, baby. Do you want a lolly."

"Yes yes yes!" I yelled and I was thinking he was just joking but, surprisingly, he pulled a blow pop out of his hoodie.

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