Ignored and confused (Chapt. 7)

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(Phil's POV)

Brittany's arm was wrapped tightly around my torso and I wiggled to get out of her grasp. I shook her.

"No, Phil. It wasn't meee.." She murmured in her sleep.

I shook her again and she stirred in her sleep. I shook her again and she woke up smiling at me

"Hey." She breathed out and wow, her breath smelled so bad.


"What time is ittt??"

"2:45 pm" I replied.

"Ooh! I got to go. It was nice seeing you." She said and planted a big fat kiss to my cheek.

She practically skipped out of my house.



I decided to walk on the beach today when the sun was started to going down.

When I got down there, I saw Dan walking with his lifeguard friends. They looked like they were leaving.

"Hey Dan!" I called to him.

He turned around fast, shot me an evil glare, then kept walking.

Geez. What's his problem? Well, I didn't think him abandoning me would happen so soon. That's a little weird.

I took out my phone and put in my headphones. I started playing Evanescence and walked down the beach barefoot.

The cool, salty water rolled up the beach touching my toes making the sand underneath a mushy brown resembling quick sand. I sighed. I saw people ahead of me and when I got closer I saw it was Madison and Brad.

They were holding hands and Brad grabbed her hand brought it up to his face, and planted a soft kiss to it. Madison blushed and turned away from him, trying to hide it.

I looked at the two of them longingly. I hope I have a relationship like that one day.

They turned around and Madison ran up to me hugging me while Brad shook my hand.

"Hey Phil! What are you doing walking on the beach all by yourself?" Said Madison.

"I dunno. Just wanted to get out of the house for a while."

"Yeah. I know how it feels." Brad agreed.

I smiled. During the luau I didn't really get to talk to them too much but they seemed like nice people and they were cute together.

"Actually...we were heading to the boardwalk to ride some rides...do you maybe want to come with us?" Asked Brad.

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" Cheered Madison.

"Well...I don't know...um...I don't want to intrude or anything." I murmured.

"No! We want you to come!"

"I guess I'll come." I replied, smiling.

In all honesty, I did really want to go. I wanted to get my mind off of Dan who seemed like he was mad at me. What for? Who knows.

We walked up the beach and then up the couple of steps onto the wooden boardwalk.

The wind blowed my dark hair all around as we walked.

It wasn't until now I noticed how beautiful California really was. The white sandy beach, clear blue water, seagulls flying about, glad to nibble on a leftover fry on the ground, The way the breeze blows your hair around subtly like what happens in a Maybelline commercial.

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