First Day (Chapt. 9)

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(Phil's POV)

The rest of the bus ride went along pretty uneventful. The bus stopped at a huge high school and everyone started to pile out of the bus along with me.

When I got into the school lobby I took out my schedule and looked at it looking up occasionally to see if I was getting close. I hit into something hard and big and looked up to see a boy with short brown hair, big muscles, and a football jersey grimacing.

"Watch where you're going." He spat in my face pushing me out of his way.

I stood there for a few seconds then just shook it off and continuing to walk around. By now the hallways were practically empty other than a few people moving about frantically.

"Do you need some help?" Asked a girl with blue-green eyes and fiery orange, red hair.

"Yes. I'm new here. I don't know where I'm going."

"Here." She grabbed my schedule out of my hands studying it.

"Okay. You have the same first hour as me." She replied.

She started to walk and I walked beside her in comfortable silence.

"My name's Hayley by the way." She said flashing me a bright smile.


She nodded.

"Hey, I know this might seem weird to you since we just met but I'm having a party friday night. You should come."

"I guess."

"Can I see your phone?"

I handed it to her and she punched in her number.

"That's my number. I'll text you the details tonight."


Hayley stopped in front of one of the classrooms and we walked in.

"You two are late." Said a lady with no expression at the front of the room.

"Sorry. I was helping Phil."

"Phil? Oh um. Ah yes. I'm Mrs. Nugent. You are the new student. Stand up here and tell us a little about you." Said the lady.

Hayley took her seat and I gulped nervously looking out amongst the students. I saw Dani, Hayley, the jock guy, and...Dan. He wasn't even looking at me just looking at his comic book.

" name's Phil. I like music and I like anime and video games." I said quietly.

"Nerd." The jock said loudly and the whole class sniggered except for Hayley

I took a seat next to Hayley trying not to make eye contact with anyone. She patted my back sympathetically and I offered her a weak smile.

The morning classes went by very quickly and the bell rang for lunch.

"Okay. So now it's lunch time. But we eat outside." Hayley explained.

"Who's we?" I asked nervously.

"Oh. Me, Dani, Chris, Pj, and my boyfriend Dan."

"Dan...Dan Howell?" I asked and she nodded.

"Is that a problem...?"

"No. I was just asking."

"Okay then."

"How long have you two been dating." I asked, trying to sound casual.

"Two months." She replied, proudly.

Uh oh. Hayley wasn't the one with Dan that night. So Dan...cheated on her?

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