School! (Chapt. 8)

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(Phil's POV)

It's been three weeks since Dan has talked to me. Over those weeks I haven't down much at all. I went to a party at Brad's house with Pj. I asked Pj if he knew why Dan was ignoring him and he said Dan wouldn't tell him. I would see Dan around but whenever I would try to talk to him, he would pretend he didn't hear or would give me a nasty look.

School starts in 3 days and I'm really freaking nervous. I don't know who I'll talk to. Chris and Pj and mostly just with Dan, and Brad, Madison, and Brittany aren't even in our grade.

***Two nights before school***

"You'll be fine." Mum cooed rubbing circles on my back with her thumb

"What if no one likes me."

"They will. And you can just hang with Dan. Speaking of Dan I haven't seen him lately. How come?" Carly and mum have still been hanging out, both wondering why there seemed to be a feud between the two boys.

"Well...we aren't on good terms." I replied, sadly.

"And why is that?"

"It's...complicated I guess." I sighed.

She nodded and started to sing to me.

Amazing grace

How sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost

But now am found

My mum's beautiful voice filling the quiet room. I smiled remembering when I was just a baby my mom singing this to calm me.

Twas grace that taught my heart to fear

And grace my fears relieved

How precious did that grace appear

The hour I first believed

It wasn't until now that I noticed a salty tear trickling down my pale cheek. Mum looked down at me, love and admiration in her eyes, and wiped away the tear with her thumb.

"I love you so much, Phil. I hope you know that. You are my world, my heart." Mum whispered.

"I love you too mummy." I choked out, between sobs.

Just because I was crying doesn't make me a wimp. I just love my mom and her singing that reminded me of when I was a child and my mom was young. Now I am almost moving out and my mom is getting older that reminded me that she will die sometime, as will I. I'm getting older. Soon I'll be getting married, having kids. I'm not a little boy anymore.

I fell asleep next to my mom that night.


I woke up entangled with my mom. Dad came in the room kissing us both. Me on the forehead, mum on the lips. He was also holding a big tray with bacon and pancakes on it.

"Good morning sleepyheads. How did you two sleep."

"Good." I yawned.

I took a bite of the pancake and it danced across my tastebuds.

"Mmmm. Good job dad. I had no idea you could cook." I complimented and mum nodded in agreement, also eating a pancake.

Dad blushed lightly and said, "thanks."

I finished the food and hugged them both.

"I'd love to stay and 'chat' but I have to go buy school supplies."

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