Mistletoe (Chapt.21)

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(Phil's POV)

"Merry christmas!!" My mum shouted and I jutted awake. I sighed when all I saw was my lovely mother staring down at me lovingly.

"Jesus mum! You scared the living daylights out of me!" I grumbled standing up, "But I still love you. Merry christmas." I hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"Come on! Let's go open your presents and see what santa got you!!" Mum exclaimed, excitedly.

I rolled my eyes excited but bounded down the stairs. Okay, maybe I was a lil bit excited.

The digital clock on the wall read 5:50 a.m. The glowing green letters illuminated the room. Then next to the clock, was our huge christmas tree. It was fat and the star hit the ceiling. Presents were set up all around the tree. My eyes shined with excitement as I plopped onto the carpet, still in my sesame street pajama pants of warm socks.

"Where's daddy?" I wondered. Just then the front door swung open.

"I'm home!" My dad's deep voice shouted and he walked into the living room, holding a styrofoam cup full of dunkin donuts coffee. He walked over to mum and planted a quick kiss onto her lips.

"Merry christmas." He whispered and she smiled, looking away to hide the faint blush on her cheeks.

Then dad hugged me, wishing me a merry christmas and sat down on the couch next to mum. They beckoned for me to start unwrapping my presents. I grabbed a small one and shook it. I heard rattling and ripped open the wrapping paper quickly. I saw a box for a golden watch. It was just the one I wanted.

"Thanks." I said looking at my mom but she shook her head.

"It wasn't from me." She said motioning towarads the little card that said from santa.

"Oh. Thanks, Santa." I giggled and opened the box and put the watch on my right wrist. It wasn't set to the right time so I'll just fix it later.
I happily ate some bacon and eggs and looked over my presents. I got a good amount but nothing too special: some clothes, pajamas, money, and books. Now that I'm seventeen, you can't just get me toy trucks and sketchers. And it's hard to shop for teenagers anyways.
My mum danced around the kitchen to christmas music.

"Later we'll have some pumpkin pie and we'll do some carolling!" She sung.
"You may get a sentimental feeling when you hear voices singing let's be jolly!" I sung back.

"Deck the halls with bounds of holly!!" We screamed and dad face-palmed.
"I live with crazy people I say, crazy people!"
I heard a knock upon the door and opened it. The howell's were at our door step with big smiles on their face and red noses. I hugged them all and wished them a merry christmas. I noticed Mr. Howell was not present and I mentally sighed in relievment. Dan followed me into the living room as Adrian drank some warm tea with the women.

"Merry Christmas." He said and wrapped his arms around my neck. I pulled him in closer and hugged him tight. He pulled out a present with green wrapping paper and a blue ribbon.

I passed him my present to him, which was wrapped in purple and pink wrapping paper. He lifted his eyebrow in amusement and I blushed.
"It was...erm...the only kind they had." I stammered.

"Mmhm yeah sure." He said. I ripped open the present and my eyes widened when I saw a hoodie with L from death note on it. I said thanks and then he opened his. Which was, coincidentally, a Light Yagami hoodie.

He burst out laughing when he saw we both got the same thing and I smiled. It was really great to see Dan in such a happy mood.

I just then noticed, he had a really ugly christmas sweater on and I struggled to hold in my cackling. He shoved me playfully and I giggled.

"If you don't mind me asking,where's your dad?"

"Oh...he went to work so he could make more money to save up for his ferrari." He grimaced.

He would rather have some overly-expensive sports car then be with his family on christmas. That's messed up.

"Oh well do you want to...play outside in the snow?" His eyes lit up and he nodded frantically. We bundled up in jackets, gloves, hats, and scarves and waddled our way to the backdoor.

"Mistletoe." I heard someone say, and turned to see my dad standing there, drinking some eggnog.

I sent him a looked and he just mouthed 'you're welcome' and walked away, smirking.

It was so silent then, I could hear small breaths of air leaving Dan's parted lips and I leaned in and pecked his lips. Our lips barely touched before I pulled back, scratching the back of my neck nervously. I didn't think it was a big deal; more like an elementary kiss, but boy was I wrong. Dan's eyes widened and he coughed awkwardly.
"So do you wanna, uh, go sledding?" He suggested and I nodded.

"I have to go to the loo real quick but I'll be back in a jiffy."

"Oh...uh...yeah okay." He muttered.
I ran inside and slammed the bathroom door closed. I stood against the door trying to get a hold of myself.

I caressed my fingers against my tingling lips and ran my hands through my hands.

I've kissed people before, guys included, but I have never felt that kind of spark before. Well, once in the closet, but we don't speak of that.
It's like our beating hearts are one and our breaths our in unison. Are eyes are blinking at the same pace and our brains yearn for the thought of having someone to love and hold forever. As if you two are morphed together and are the same person. Both thinking the same. exact. thing. (a/n: im deep)

But, Dan's straight. The thought of that was like the screeching of a record and I huffed in annoyance. I didn't love Dan or anything, it's just been a long time since I've dated a boy. Summer after freshman year to be exact.

I heard knocking on the door and heard my mum call, "Phil, are you okay in there?"

"Yeah, mum." I responded and finally left the bathroom.

I saw Dan sitting on the snow-covered ground and I saw him break an icicle off the deck and nibbled on it through the window. I slid the door open and stepped into the freezing weather. I went down to were he was and sat next to him.

"Let's go sledding!" He cheered. I chuckled and he followed me into my garage. We grabbed a snow board, and a toboggan. We walked around our neighborhood looking for a hill. We came across a huge hill in the back of Pj's house.

We felt a little awkward intruding like this but we really wanted to have fun. We trudged through the thick snow and up the steep hill.

I set the toboggan up at the edge of the hill. Dan sat down in the front and I plopped down behind him. I snaked my arms around his torso. We moved are bodies to try to get going which probably looked really weird but finally set off. The snow blew into my eyes and my hair whipped back. I buried my face into Dan's back. I closed my eyes and when I felt we stopped, got off.

"That was awesome!" Dan cheered and looked at me. His eyes stared into mine and I felt myself started to lean in when Dan stiffened and started walking back up the hill.
I felt my phone ringing and I took off my gloves and reached into my coat pocket. I pulled it out and answered.

"Dinner's ready. Come home." My mum said.

"Ok. Be home in a few." I responded and hung up.

"Dinner's ready. Let's go home." I said to Dan and he nodded.

"I'm starving anyways." He replied.
A/N: Heheh so this chapter was cray cray. I hope you liked it!
I'm sorry for not updating in a while. I'm not going to lie, I've had this chapter written for about a week or so I just haven't gotten around to updating it. But here it is. Also to all Americans, I hope you had a great thanksgiving!!
Any scenes/dialogue you want to happen?

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