Cheeseburgers! (Chapt.1)

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(Phil's POV)

"Plane 8839 will be leaving in approxiametely twenty minutes." said the monotoned voice that projects through the airport.

"That's our plane." said mum.

The three of us got up I follwed behind mum, dad behind me. We each showed our tickets to a person sitting right in front of the tunnel. The man nodded and we got into out plane and sat down in the back of the plane where our seats were. I sat in the window seat beacause I hate planes. They always made me anxious and the only time I don't freak out is when I'm at a window seat.

I pulled out my phone and headphones and listened to music the whole way there.


"Mum, are we there yet???" I moaned.

We got off the plane four hours ago and we still are driving in our car.

"No, Phil. No hush up. I know you aren't excited about moving to California but you have to put up with it." said dad, sternly.

I groaned.

About four hours later (literally) mum said, "We are finally here!!"

I perked up and looked at the building in front of us. It was a house. Not too big, not too small, medium sized. Since it was just the three of us, we didn't need like a mansion or anything.

I got out of the cramped car and stretched. It felt so good finally being able to walk. I grabbed all my lugages and walked up the porch steps. Mum unlocked the door and it swung open. The house was bare with no furniture an white walls. We sat ourt lugages in front of the door and went upsairs.

There were four bedrooms.

A master bedroom with a bathroom connected to it. Parents bedroom. A bedroom which was pretty big. My bedroom. A bedroom that was a lot smaller than the rest that dad said he'll be using as his office. And one extra bedroom that will be used as a guestroom.

We had to move in by september but we moved a month before because mum said I should make friends before school starts. But the problem is, nobody will want to be friends with me. I'm weird and awkward and not good with people. The reason we had to move though was because dad got a new job.

After a long day of moving furniture in and getting everything settled, I brought my lugages into my bedroom and started organizing my clothes into the drawers of my bureau. I put my stuffed lions on top of my comforter on my bed. The walls were still not painted of course. We were all painting tomorrow. My mum was the type of woman who liked to get things done.

"Phil, come downstairs!" called dad.

"Yes?" I asked politely by the kitchen door.

"What do you want for dinner?"

My stomach grumbled in reply.

"Cheeseburgers!" I practically yelled.

What? Don't judge me. It's my first day living in America. Obviously I'm going to eat an all american cheeseburger.

"You know what? There's a burger place right down the road. We can walk there."

"That sounds great. Let's go." mum said, happily.

We walked for five minutes then walked into a 50s style burger restaurant.

We sat down at a booth, me sitting across from my parents.

"So Phil. Maybe you'll meet some cute girls" said dad.

"Or some cute boys." giggled mum.

Yes, my parents did know I was bisexual but they accept me and love me for who i am.

A waitress came over. She had long blond hair and big blue eyes.

"Can I start you off with some drinks."

"Two waters." said my dad.

"What about you?" said the blond biting her lip an winking at me.

My god. be classy, not trashy

"A coke please." i said.

"Sure thing." the waitress said in a breathy voice.

She left.

"See Phil. First day here, and pretty girls are already liking you. Go get her number." urged mum

"No. I don't like people who try to hard." I explained.

Mum sighed like she was dissapointed.

It was silence until the waitress came back with our and took our orders. i got an american blackwood angus burger. We don't have any things like that back in Manchester!

When I got my burger I dug in munching on it like crazy.

It's so good. A nice change from fish and chips.

When we were done, we walked back home and I was so tired, I flopped into bed and fell asleep instantly.

A/N: First Chappie. I'm aware it's a bit short. I also know it is FAR from the best phanfic but I really tried so I hoped it was ok hehehe. I promise I will try to make them longer. I hope you enjoyed. Keep reading. Comment and tell me if you like it so far ^.^

twitter: ermhowell

Phan instagram account: amazing.troyler

Personal instagram account: juliettesav__

Hmuuu :P

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