Happy New Years (Chapt. 24)

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(Dan's POV)
The drive was quiet as for a good few minutes before I asked, "Phil, do you want to tell me something?" I had a feeling he had something to tell me because he looked out the window, knawing on his lip so hard to the point where I saw a bit of blood on it. He licked his lip over it so the red fluid disappeared.

He shook his head. I didn't say anything and nodded my head to Green Day who was playing on the radio. When phil heard the music, he smiled a very small smile and tapped his foot to the beat of the music. My phone started ringing and I picked it up, seeing it was Hayley. I held it on my ear by my shouder.

"Hello Dan. How's Phil doing? I'm nervous about him." Hayley asked.

"He's okay.." I said slowly. That caused Phil to perk up and look over curiously. He knew I was talking about him so I didn't want to say anything more.

"I hope he really is okay. He seemed quite out of it at the party. Do you know why he drank so much?"

"Nope. I really want to know though,"

"Try to figure it out." She said.

"Yes ma'am." She giggled.

"I love you, Dan. Take care of Phil."

"I love you too. Bye." I hung up and slipped my phone into my back jean pocket.

"Br-Brittany-she b-broke up with me." Phil said quietly his eyes watering up. He sniffled and looked out the window. It's all my fault! I knew she was no good but let them be! I'm so stupid. I thought to myself. I felt my wrists start to burn meaning I was thinking about harming myself. I took deep gentle breaths and thought about kittens and puppies.

"Phil, I am so sorry." I said. Phil nodded and I quickly added, "It's okay to cry, Phil. You don't have to be embarrassed around me. You're safe with me."

He let a few tears to fall down his pale cheek. I rubbed his arm, keeping my eyes glued to the road. For a long time we just stayed like that, music quietly playing in the background.

"She said she never loved me and she dated me as a joke." He blurted out. All of the sudden, he started balling his eyes out quietly furiously wiping his tears with his knuckles. I couldn't stand to see Phil like that. I pulled over on the side of the road. I turned the radio off and reached over. I wrapped my arms around him and layed his head on my chest.

After a little while I heard the radio announcer come on, "1 minute until 2015!" He shouted. Phil's head shot up. I looked at him in confusion but he just smiled maniacally at the radio.

"10!" Phil smiled so big I thought his face would rip off.

"9!" Phil giggled.

"8!" Phil bit his lip.

"7!" Phil shook his legs in excitement.

"6!" Phil rubbed his hands together.

"5!" Phil made an inhuman noise.

"4!" He nodded to himelf

"3!" He closed his eyes and inhaled

"2!" Phil exhaled.

"1!" Phil smiled.

"Happy new year!" Phil giggled and looked at me. I chuckled a bit his excitement. He put his hand under my chin and my breath hitched. His eyes shone with hope and excitement, but they were still glazed over from the alcohol. I gulped. He closed his eyes and he started to lean in, and what surprised me is I felt myself close my eyes and lean in too. I felt his soft lips encapture mine in a tender, chaste kiss. I could taste the alcohol in his breath but I ignored that. It lasted for only about four seconds until he pulled away slowly. He leaned his forehead on mine and I looked into his relaxed eyes. I didn't know how to feel. I felt fear, confusion, regret, excitement, and most shameful, arousement.

"That was-" I started.

"I'm sorry." He said quickly.

"Listen, Phil." He looked up and I looked into his innocent eyes but I decided against saying anything to him because he already got his heart broken once today.

"Dan, I'm sorry for forcing myself upon you, it's just, I need to feel some kind of-" He apologized

"Yeah, yeah. It was a nice kiss, okay?" He smiled and nodded, practically glowing from me just saying it was a nice kiss.

I pulled back onto the road and started to drive. I couldn't miss the smile on his face. I felt guilty for leading him on, but he just seemed so sad and that made my heart ache and even if it was just momentarily, his smile made my day. I lived on his happiness and I didn't like seeing him so sad. i can actuallly understand what Phil felt when he saw my scars at the beach. Which reminded me, I haven't cut since my relapse a while ago. That boosted my mood so instead of thinking about Phil and how wrong it was of me to tell him that, I thought about how proud of myself I am for not cutting or burning.
When we finally got to Phil's house I helped him out of the car and inside.

Unfortunately, Phil's mum was sleeping on the couch but I knew from experience she was a very light sleeper. I slung Phil' arm around my shoulder again and helped him up the stairs. I took him into his room. I opened his drawer and tossed him a pair of pajama pants and a white t-shirt. He obediently put it on. I fluffed his pillow and motioned for him to lay down. He layed down.

"Duvet." he whined. I rolled my eyes but grabbed his fluffy duvet and pulled it up to his neck. He gave me a thumbs up and I chuckled.

"Do you want some water?" I asked.

"Yes please." I walked back down the stairs and into the kitchen. His mum was sitting at the kitchen, looking at me expectantly.

"Hi Dan. Is something wrong with Phil he seemed...drunk." She said accusingly.

"Mrs. Lester, I am so so sorry. He is drunk."

"I'll have to give him a stern talking-to." She scolded, shaking her head.

"No! Don't!" I shouted quickly. She cocked her eyebrow, "Excuse me?" My ears turned pink and I looked at the ground.

"Mrs. Lester-I didn't mean it-Okay, listen. His girlfriend, Brittany, dumped him rather harshly and I just took him home and I'm-"

"Taking care of him?" I nodded sheepishly. She smiled.

"Aw Dan! You are such a sweetheart!" She stood up and hugged me tightly.

"Thanks. Well, I'm just getting him a glass of water." I grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it up with water from the dispencer on the fridge door. I added a few ice cubes and started my ascent back up to Phil's room. I opened his bedroom door slowly and saw he was passed out in his bed. I laughed slightly at this and tip-toed over to his bed.

I placed the glass on his nightstand and walked out of his room. I took one look back at him and whispered 'good night Phil' and went home to my house.
A/N: tbh i loved writitng this it was so fun. I hope you liked it! If you do vote, comment, and most importantly enjoy! phan is coming soon chicas.
juliette xx

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