23. Criss Cross

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Hyukjae quickly walked down the marble steps of the Maranzano manor, adjusting his black Zegna blazer; to the awaiting black Ferrari. As usual, Luca was waiting impatiently at the steering wheel. Even after he got inside the car, he couldn't forget the message that he'd seen in his phone.

|Be prepared to lose far more than what you have Maranzano, the end of The Falcons Circle has already begun...|

But what annoyed him more was that Luca confirming back in the library that it's source couldn't be back-tracked, no matter what he'd tried. Shortly afterwards, he had gotten a call from LaVerè, her sharp voice pouring out in torrents of French that the same massage was displayed on the Falcon Global website.

Jake had been furious, and LaVerè had finally suggested that he should immediately call out a Circle meeting including herself and DeMeo; and that she was currently on her way to the US.

He tried to calm himself down, telling himself again and again that this might be some fucker's idiotic joke, and that he'd make him see hell when he finds out who was responsible. But inside, he knew it was serious and he couldn't deny the fact the enemy, whoever it was, had somehow hacked into his local firewall; which he'd designed himself.

'Just wait for it motherfucker' thought Hyukjae as he lightly stroked his gun

"DeMeo Labs??" asked Luca quietly, looking at Jake from the rear mirror, while acknowledging the thunderous look on Jake's face along with the grim posture in which he was sitting... one hand lightly resting on the title 18 on his lap.

Jake gave one short nodd; his usual grey-blue eyes having turned into the colour of pure gunmetal.

Luca knew that look of Jake's very well, it was the same look he'd had on the night his parents were killed... it was a look of blood lust, a look of fierce murder... his destructive persona...

'Whoever gets in his way now,' thought Luca with a grim smile and a slight touch of pride, 'god bless them'


'Thank god that drama queen had gone home or he would've really shot her into smithereens'

Luca entered the loccation to the Ferrari's GPS, and changed the gear to power drive.

"We can get there by 11 at night" reported Luca and accelerated the sleek black car lustily.


Donghae was walking across his room for an eternity; or atleast, it felt like an eternity for him. It was already 11 in the evening, and he only had two more hours before 1 am. He'd not even eaten his dinner. He didn't want to either, because the thought of eating now made him nauseous to the core.

He had found out hours ago that Jake and Luca had left for somewhere, but no one knew where, and the GPS link of the Ferrari that they took have been disconnected for some stupid reason.

He sighed and read what was in the little paper once more and a firece rage boiled inside him. With a growl, he tore the paper savagely and scattered it onto the fireplace. All this time, everything he had done to keep his identity hidden had been completely fucking useless!, it was a miracle Jake still didn't know who he really was.

At that thought, Donghae broke down and fell raggedly onto his bed,

'Jake...' he thought frantically; tears streaming down his face, 'why was I so stupid? You'll definetely kill me wont you?, you have to kill me, even if you love me'

'You think he loves you' said a mean little voice inside his head; 'when he gets to know who you really are, you won't have a prayer to save yourself...you should've died that day'

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