50. Who We Are...

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_ A few hours before the Falcon Conference_

Lady Laverè was lounging on an ox-blood chair. Her fly-away hair was lose, streaming down her bony shoulders. Haven Grand Central hotel was located on one of the richest streets in Seoul. Its luxurious private balconies, million dollar penthouses and stunning architecture boasting the rich flow of income. This suited her just fine...

Infront of her sat Ventura, his face set to a severe look. Besides him sat the formidable man who was simply referred to as the 'Captain'. On her other side; with her eyebrows etched in worry, sat Maria Luciano.

The conference room was the best the hotel could offer. And the tell-tale signs of grandeur were stubbly shown across the space with it's stark dark wood table with pretty guilt edges and inbuilt protectors. Yet all these were useless to the Cosa Nostra...

"He is late!" she slithered, snapping her cigarette into two.

"Give him a few more minutes" said Maria, also snapping her hand-fan shut. "He will come"

"And give us good news.. I hope" said the Captain, charring his face into a smile.

Donghae's mother opened her mouth to retort, but she was cut off when the double doors were opened by the Cosa Nostra guards outside.

"Donghae.." breathed Maria, taking in her son's appearance. He looked drained, and the bright colour of his eyes were dull and dark. The hard line of his mouth suggested that he was somehow detached from all emotion. He somehow looked.. older

Without a second glance at his mother, he walked towards Laverè, who stared back at him coldly.

"Well?" She said, impatiently drumming her red painted talons on the table.

"The exchange is going to happen in 3 days at the All Hallows church. Maranzano will be there including the Falcon Army. Its scheduled at 2.15 in the morning" said Donghae in a voice that sent chills around the table.

"Very well" crooned Laverè, a smile escaping from her lips. "I'm surprised that you decided to cooperate for once"

A vein pulsed in Donghae's neck, "I am surprised that you could ever doubt me"

There was a chilling silence. The battle of wills between him and Laverè was becoming unbearable. He hated her very existence. And Laverè looked as though she was calmly judging him. He was right, she would never buy this story.

But Donghae controlled himself and bore down at her dark pit-less eyes, willing himself not to break eye contact even for a millisecond.

"Scared Laverè?" He whispered, ignoring his mother's warning looks

"No" said Laverè smiling, "I was wondering what changed you after... you know.." she raised her eyebrows delicately.

Donghae clenched his fists. But he said nothing.

"Maybe you did" said Donghae with a modest shrug, "who knows"

"We can finally rage our vengeance upon the Falcons!" relished the Captain interrupting them. "I've been waiting for this day for years! Imagine the bloodshed! His eyes glowed crazily.

Ventura remained silent. He twirled his glass of vodka delicately as though he was deep in thoughts.

"Interesting how the devil tries to enter a hallowed ground" he mused, putting down the glass with a soft chink. "The little cunt is trying to dodge hell again"

"But he will miss this time" said the captain with a sickening smirk, "Once we are done with him"

"Or will he?" Mused Laverè, "The devil becomes stronger day by day"

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