36. Truth & Dare

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Numinous (adj.)
|Being both fearful and overwhelmed by the things yet to come..|

"Damn it" muttered Donghae to himself as he climbed up the the moth eaten curving staircase of Cosa Nostra's current headquarters. Two burly guards stood positioned in front of the door, holding loaded riffles. They gave him a piercing stare before bowing low in unison; making Donghae clear his throat in utter nervousness.

"Capo" grunted the guards,

One of these days Jake will definitely find out about him... his heart began to race uncontrollably... how slim were the chances of getting out of the Falcon Manor without anybody noticing that he was gone in the first place? Good thing Jake and Luca went somewhere together, or it would've been a complete disaster...

"Apri la porta" commanded Donghae, glancing steadily at the guards. Again he was surprised at the tone of bland authority his voice held.

The two guards gave a nod and pulled open the ancient double doors. Taking a deep breath which did nothing to calm his strained nerves, Donghae walked in...

The room was exactly how he remembered seeing a couple of weeks back, the only difference was that his mother and LaVéré being the only individuals present at the table.

"Hey everyone" said Donghae, in a desperately lame attempt to lighten up the mood in the room.

"Sit down Aiden" said his mother, her pearl black eyes taking him in from head-to-toe. Donghae did what she said, lowering himself on to a chair which was considerably far from both of them. He did not like the aura of the room, especially with LaVéré having a smug smile.

"I will get straight to the point here" said his mom. Donghae gave a small tight lipped nod. He wasn't sure why he was feeling afraid.

"Jake Maranzano is supposed to be dead, but he clearly isn't" said his mother. "And all of our attempts to destroy the Falcons keep failing... the question is why donghae! Why does the Cosa Nostra fail all the time?!"

Donghae felt as if a shard of glass was painfully moving down horizontally inside his throat. He tried invain to look at anything except his mom, but knowing her all his life, it wasn't that easy...

"Answer me Aiden" she commanded while Donghae raked his brains to defend himself. He always thought the name Aiden made him obey his mother, now he fucking hated his name!

"I was supposed to kill the leader of Falcons, which I thought was Leonard Maranzano mom" said Donghae, trying his best not to waver his voice. "But he is already dead! And I entered the Falcon grounds because my teacher told me to, only to find out that you were involved all along!"

"Don't you remember the other reason why he sent you?" She hissed, "Don't you remember what Galine told you!?"

"He told me that it'll be the end of me" drawled Donghae as if he was reciting what he'd already learnt, "he told me to 'expect the unexpected' which by the way; is quite actually unexpected seeing you here like this" scoffed Donghae, he had to; if it wasn't for the stupid family heirloom that they've so carelessly lost, he wouldn't have been suffering like this!

"Your father died because the Falcons stole our ancestry!" shirked his mother making Donghae flinch, "Do you think that the Lucianos were poor from the start!? Do you think we came out from the strada like the others?! No Aiden!! The Luciano family name was pronounced with respect! and it is the cursed Falcons who took it away!

Donghae watched as she spit out the word 'respect', nothing felt real anymore, his body shook with anger, both at himself and at his mother.

"How the fuck do you know they stole it!" shouted Donghae, "tell me one good reason why I should find that stupid Jade pendant for you!" screamed Donghae while his mother took a sharp breath, even the silent LaVéré looked stunned.

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