3. Survived

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Hyukjae looked down at the proceedings below him. He saw that the boy was barely alive and his hands tightened on the railing

This is interesting...

His shirt was open showing multiple gunshot wounds from wich blood was gushing out. Hyukjae saw sweat pouring down his well defined body and he was amazed... because he knew how painful those wounds were...but having several of them and still not making a sound?

He was about to leave when the boy suddenly looked up at him. Hyukjae looked back and was suddenly hit by a weird feeling.

His conscience started nagging at him. Why do I care? he is not important and probably is going to die anyways...

He saw Lucas gliding toward the boy with a sharp knife in his hands.

"Lets begin shall we?" he said and Jake saw that the boy's face rapidly draining it's colour.

Hyukjae saw the man stab the boy on the gut, slowly sliding the steel tip in.

Donghae tried to keep his mouth shut. 'If I have to die, then I'll die like a man' he thought. But the pain was too much, the lighting was too bright and he felt the steel tip moving just where his ribs were,this was his breaking point; so he did what anyone would've done at a time like that.

Hyukjae turned to leave once again, there was no point of looking at a killing ceremony. He took two steps when he heard the unmistakable yell of pain from below. Before he could think striaght, the sound of the cry shot through his heart like a fucking dagger and Jake stumbled forward and grabbed the railing to steady himself.

What in the dimensions of fucking hell is happening to him? This has never happened before!

"Smettila di fare quello che stai facendo" he said calmly although his head was spinning inside.

The man looked up and and gave a start when he noticed Jake standing above him. He sourly pulled out the dagger from Donghae with a viscous yank and dropped the bloody thing on the floor.

"As you command Boss" he said bowing.

Hyukjae slowly decended the steps; his eyes never leaving the other boy's face. Donghae also stared back at him.

'Whoever he is, he's powerful'
thought Donghae as he saw the boy come and stand infront of him.

The only thing Donghae noticed before his tattered, tortured body lost consciousness was the piercing blue-gray eyes and the raven black hair of the boy.

Luca had gasped when he saw the tortured body of the brown haired boy. It was almost two days since Jake had gotten the mad impulse to save his miserable little life. But now his body was completely clean and bandaged, and his breathing was normal

Jake was standing there, looking at the boy with a thoughtful expressionon his face and Luca sighed. Fuck him for having thoughtful expressions.

"Why did you save him?" asked Luca and Hyukjae raised his eyes at him.

"I just wanted to have a chat with him" he said calmly and Luca snorted.

"So you fucking bring him back to his miserable little life so you could have a fucking chat with him?"

Hyukjae nodded. "You could say that"

"But Boss why?-"

Hyukjae suddenly raised his pistol at him and clicked the bullet into place. "If you don't like my decisions, then you are fucking allowed to leave... forever"

Luca muttered something about young blood and idiocy but managed to stay silent.

Suddenly Jake's attention was caught by the feeling of someone staring at him. When he looked down, he saw Donghae staring at him with confused eyes.

"Who's fucking allowed to leave?" he asked and for the first time, although he had never planned to do so; Jake laughed out loud, while Luca fumed.

A/N: oof this chapter is so short! But hope its not boring! Tell me if it is...

The Boss [BxB Mafia AU] |✔Where stories live. Discover now