33. An ounce of Poison

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"Don't leave me!!" screamed Donghae running as fast as he could along the never-ending stone pavement behind the fast disappearing shadow,
"please!!", there was no point shouting, his legs hurt and his whole body shivered from cold, when he knew he couldn't go on, Donghae fell on the ground on his knees just as a flash of thunder cracked from the steel grey coloured sky above. His heart was wrenching inside him, and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to ignore the seering pain, and felt his whole face wet with tears trickling down his cheeks. They hit the stone ground with an uncannily sharp sound that echoed through his mind.

Donghae knew he had to give up, and just as he wanted to get back up, a heavy rain started crashing down on him, forcing him back on to his knees. Letting go on his last bit of hope, Donghae slumped back on the pavement an looked up at the sky while raindrops dripped mercilessly down on him.
He wanted to scream, wanted to end this never-ending torture,
one last time, the one he loved the most...
"JAKE!!!!!!" screamed Donghae with every ounce of strength he possessed before everything blacked out...

Donghae woke up in cold sweat, his hand automatically came crashing towards his chest. Soft sunlight was already filtering through the white curtains, dipping his bedroom with a golden glow.

The dream he had felt too real that Donghae shivered all over with his heart hammering inside his chest, he had seen himself chasing someone which he couldn't reach; no matter how hard he tried, he simply kept slipping away from his grasp... but the memory was rapidly fading away until Donghae couldn't even remember who he was chasing after.

His left hand felt numb and Donghae glanced at the curtain holder that tied his hand to the bed frame. Immediately he started blushing when he felt Jake's warm naked body next to him. His fingers were lightly pressing against the falcon tattoo on Donghae's chest and Donghae saw his necklace tangled around Jake's fingers.

'Holy fuck!' gasped Donghae, running his eyes along Jake's naked body while blushing hard, 'what have I done?'
He knew his body was tainted by Jake, his body craved him, yearning to touch his skin, feel his raven black hair... Donghae silently ran his fingers along Jake's shoulder, listening to his gentle breathing, he silently touched Hyukjae's abs, his eyes memorizing the way they looked and felt on the first morning he woke up next to Jake. His hand shook, his mind burned and craved for Jake and Donghae bit his lower lip and his fingers trailed further down, wanting to feel him again... but he suddenly stopped when he felt himself being watched. A chill ran down his body as Donghae slowly raised his eyes and met with a flash of fierce grey-blue. Jake was watching him, his eyes glowed as he looked at Donghae silently...

Donghae felt embarrassment wash over him as he stared back at Jake with his fingers hovering half way above his length. His cheeks flamed as he tried to make an excuse.

"Do it" whispered Jake and Donghae looked up at him in surprise, a part of him wanted to protest that he wasn't going to do it, but Donghae knew it was a lie. His fingers stroked Jake who watched him. Donghae felt Jake's body pulse and looked up at him.

"Do you want more?" whispered Jake, lightly pressing his lips against Dongahe's ear, making shivers run down his skin.

"I'm a boy Jake" Donghae whispered back, still stroking him, "I'm sure you know how many times I would want something"

"Then you are good at getting it" chuckled Jake leaning across Donghae and loosening the curtain holder. Once he got his hand down, Donghae felt shockwaves run through his hand as blood started flowing through it once again.

Donghae looked back at Jake and saw him propped against the bed frame with his legs wide open, regarding him with a look of silent admiration, until Donghae realized that Jake was clearly erected.

Donghae leaned forward inbetween and kissed him, hands trailing down Jake's chest until Hyukjae's hand guided his lips towards his throbbing bulk. Without a word Donghae slid his tongue across his tip and sucked him lightly. For a second his whole 20 years of innocence vanished from his mind, as he felt Jake's hands guiding him; stroking his head. Jake didn't thrust, he just let Donghae do what he wanted silently.

"You are so young Donghae" whispered Jake as he stroked his cheek, "I cant believe I did this to you" he looked down at Donghae's silky brown hair, "but I don't regret it because it was you and no one else"

"I know I'm not the best when it comes to showing my feelings and I know you cant stand the things I do sometimes, but I never had sex with you just because I felt like it, but because I loved you while doing it" said Jake; his fingers lightly tipping Donghae's chin up. Jake leaned forward and closed his eyes as he felt himself cum.

He felt Donghae's tongue caressing him, finally he looked up, his clear brown eyes looking like gold dipped liquid chocolate. For a moment an icy feeling shot through Jake... Donghae's features looked familiar somehow, as if he had seen someone who was similar enough somewhere, but he couldn't remember who exactly, or when...

"Jake?" whispered Donghae, looking at him in pure concern, "are you ok? You look white"

"I'm fine" he lied still staring at Donghae's eyes, but that odd feeling refused to leave...


"Care to explain where the devil were you last night?" asked Luca; wiping the the long double edged Naginata until it shone in the afternoon sunlight. "I searched for you"

Jake studiously ignored the question as he took out the long Samurai sword which slid out smoothly from its saya. The blade flashed like quicksilver when he held it infront of him.

"Can you teach me some new tricks with these?" asked Jake absently swinging the sword to and fro.

"You've learnt how to use them when you were 7 so I wouldn't waste my time teaching you stuff that you already know, don't change the subject" said Luca giving him a withering glance.

"Wow you're really trying to sound like my dad" scoffed Jake.

"And YOU are avoiding my gaze Lee Hyukjae" said Luca, but Jake was already swinging the blade so fast that it was almost a blur in his left hand.
When he finally put it down, Luca was still looking at him.

Jake gave a frustrated sound and glared back at Luca, "Wherever I was last night, I was inside this fucking house! Happy!?" he fumed while Luca gave his a small smile.

"You are just like your Papa" muttered Luca and went back to cleaning his beloved weapons.

"Luca" said Jake suddenly, "do you know why Donghae ended up here?"

Luca paused what he was doing and looked up at him,

"No" he said finally, "they found him trespassing and wanted to kill him, well those were the rules anyway until you decided that he should live"

Luca looked at him in concern, "why?"

"Nothing" said Jake casually, "just curious"

"Anyways" said Luca, putting down the gleaming dagger, "those people agreed to do it tonight. They have installed the explosives just like you asked them to. And their boss wanted to watch it with you"

"Good" said Jake with a grim smile, "pay them anything they want"

"I'll do it" said Luca with a killer smile. "Besides you waited 15 years for this"

"tell them to get ready for a little fireworks show" said Jake throwing a shuriken which embedded itself on the dead centre of an article that had the gloating face of the man who murdered the 19th leaders of the Falcon Circle...

A/N : Vote! And coment! Look forward for the fireworks show!🔥✌👁👄👁

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