2. Dare to be

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Donghae ran along the corridor, while bleeding hard. The guard had shot him 3 times but they were not fatal wounds...but not being fatal didn't mean that it didn't hurt, it hurt like a fucking hell!

He looked back and saw 8 bulky men in black suites and shades chasing after him.

Donghae gave himself a smile while running. 'Let's see how far this goes' he thought and simultaneously kicked out at the stack of chairs that were placed before him. He quickly jumped over them and kept running; until he met a dead end.

He looked around and saw that there was noway to go.

"Nowhere to run now eh kid? How are you going to get out now?" asked the bulky Russian man breathlessly, aiming a riffle at him while the other men formed a circle around him.

He should've listened to his mother, he should've listened to Galine who said that it'll be the end of him, he should've-

"Through you" said Donghae; lurching forward and giving the man a spinning kick on the jaw.

Caught by surprise, the man staggered backwards but didn't fall off. Through the corner of his eyes, Donghae saw bullet come whizzing towards him and he imidiately ducked;  pulling the gaurd next to him as the bullet embeded on his chest.

Donghae whirled backward and roundhouse kicked the man that came in from of him and twisted the hand of the other man until he heard the distict crack of his bones.

Adrenaline pumped through his system as he punched the gard and kicked him visously across his stomache.

He looked around him, 6 down 2 more to go...as he searched for a way of escape, when he heard a gun shot and imidiately felt a searing pain flash through him.

He knew his body couldn't take it anymore. His battered body gave up. Donghae didn't know which made him faint, if it's the drastic loss of blood, or the memory of his mother's anxious face.

His body slumped down on the floor and the 2 men heaved a sigh of relief.

"Mascalzone pazzo" grunted one man as he picked up Donghae's limp body. "What are we going to do with this? tell Boss?"

"Si" said the other, looking at the boy's face which was cut allover
"He broke in...the Boss will end his miserable life"

Jake walked down the steps of his compound. The Falcon Circle were the strongest mafia gang to date. He looked at the pistol that he was holding and sighed. His life was coloured by red, he will somehow find the family of Alexi and stain their walls with blood.

"Boss" said s bulky Russian walking up to him.

"There was a break in that happened. We are questioning him now at the torture hall"

"and?" asked Hyukjae; looking at the man who began to shiver slightly.

"I-I thought that you might wanted to be notified Boss" he said.

Hyukjae looked at the man and smiled, but it gave the man chills.

"Is he identified?" he asked and the man nodded.

"Lee Donghae, aged 21, no identified marks on his skin,appears to be Korean and crimes unknown" he said.

"Is he skilled?" Hyukjae asked while stroking his gun.

The guard nodded "I would say that" he said "he took out 6 of  our strongest men before going down...single handed"

Hyukjae looked out through the shutters of the window next to him.

"Kill him" he said softly and the Russian bowed.

"Yes sir"

"ANSWER ME!" yelled the man in Italian and Donghae smiled; blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.

"I'm going easy on you boy" said the man and drew the vicious blade across his arm and smiled as the blood started gushing down from the new wound.
"So answer me now or you won't be able to walk out of here alive"

Suddenly a guard entered and whispered at his torturer's ear and he gave a disappointed sigh.

"Looks like your miserable life is over kid" he said gloatingly "the Boss doesn't want you...but it doesn't mean that your end will be quick or painless" he said smilling.

Donghae thrashed at the leather cords that tied his hands to the wall on either side of him. He didn't know what made him do this; but Donghae looked up and saw a young boy standing on the walkway; with his hands on the railing as he looked down at the happenings with mild interest.

Donghae went on looking at him. Something about the way he was standing comfired a powerful aura. The boy gave him one last look before he turned around and walked away.

A/N: what do ya'll think?

The Boss [BxB Mafia AU] |✔Where stories live. Discover now