44. Downlight

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Location:  LaVerè's office, Gangnam, South Korea.

1 Day ago...

LaVerè goggled at her little compact mirror, scanning for any diffects in her heavily powdered face. Her lips were the colour of bloody crimson, carefully tattooed into place by a most renowned beauty tattooist in the country, but she applied another thick layer of the same coloured lipstick. She hated the sight of faded lips... Her pearl embroidered purse and matching cell phone lay on top of her freakishly clean desk, waiting to be put inside her fancy hand bag.

Today was an important day for her; one of the most important, she would say, since the most important day would be the day that she kills Maranzano. She sighed and went back to studying her face from the mirror, her white painted talons clicking on the cover in broken rythems. Her ordered car would be here any moment now, and she was just about to get her coat from the hanging pegs when the tall double doors opened.

LaVerè glanced up, expecting to see one of her guards scuttling infront of her to inform the arrival of the vehicle, but what she saw made her blood run cold for a second.

Luca smiled at her pleasantly, although it sent ice cold chills running down her spine at the sight of Maranzano's most brutaly loyal bodyguard.

She hastily placed a smile on her face, sitting back down on her oxblood chair while Luca snorted at her general direction.

"Don't force it Lav" he said, casually walking inside the room, "I know how you hate interruptions at your work"

LaVerè gave a smothered laugh as she regarded him with mild interest and curiosity. Now why is he here?

"I'm sure you are not here to talk about past pleasantries?" She drawled, delicately raising one sharply lined eyebrow, as she slightly leaned forward, displaying much of her fashionably half covered chest, "or it it the exact reason why you came to me?"

Luca rested his hands on the leather  back of one of the chairs infront of LaVerè's enormous work desk; his tanned muscles standing out; his expression unreadable and calmly tense. LaVerè could very much see Jake in him, since the child had practically grown up learning to copy Luca's every move.

Luca glanced at the handbag that was lying on the table, his mouth pulling into a rueful smile,

"I see that I've caught you on a bad moment"

"Oh surely not" faked Laverè, "I was just getting ready-"

"For what?" smirked Luca, eyeing her chest openly, "going on a middle aged date?"

Laverè looked at him, her pansy eyes admiring Luca's strong, tall frame, his high angular cheekbones, and charcoal dark eyes... he was awfully handsome... but she had enough wisdom to know that he was not someone to play games with; because with Luca, a simple game can turn into a dangerous disaster.

"Think what you want Luca" said Laverè in a breezy voice, glancing at her iphone, "if you aren't here for pleasantries, then you are here for a reason"

"I merely came to give some advice" said Luca, running his fingers along the edge, finally resting lightly on the gun straped on his waist. Laverè eyed it warily, and she shifted uneasily on her chair...

"Advice?" She asked, with a dismissive little laugh, feeling her chest contract with nerves, "what sort of advice?"

Luca suddenly started walking towards her, brushing his hand briefly on her white faux feathered coat which was hagging from the peg. He whirled her chair towards him, stopping Laverè's shocked face at a heartbeat away from his.

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