42. Power Gear

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Continued from last chapter...

Donghae took a quick look around him, the whole place was filled with screams and sounds of running feet. All he could notice was the gang who kept steadily approaching them. Suddenly he heard Apollo whimper behind him which snapped him back to attention.

The leader of the gang was clearly taking no chances as he was carrying a fully loaded AK-103 riffle gun. Donghae glanced behind him at the Falcons and gave a quick sign to stand infront of Hyykjae.

Jake might think he's an invincible daredevil, but he'll still be human if one of those bullets ever finds his body...

Two of Falcons quickly started to move towards Jake in order to protect him, but before they could take their hold off Apollo and Hisui, Jake glanced back and glared at them,

"Hold you positions" growled Jake, running his fingers lightly on his silver gun.

"Jake!" hissed Donghae, "can't you see we are fucking out numbered?! We need them!"

"I know that" said Jake smugly, taking the drink that was laid on the table infront of Hisui, "just believe me"

Donghae rolled his eyes, there was only one way out of here with minimum resistance, and that was the way they came in... The main entrance. Half of the hall was plunged into darkness now, with day-glow green exit lights slowly coming in life all around them. Broken lights still flickered on the ceiling, providing enough light for him to see what's going on...

The gang had finally come to a stop at a good 15 feet away from them, and Donghae could make out that the leader was a strong built individual who was wearing a black face mask with a black leather jacket. Whatever the reason for him to appear infront of them, it was not a good one.

Donghae loaded his gun in a swift move and trained it at the dead center of the leader's chest. Not taking his eyes off the men who were standing infront of them. Simultaneously, the Falcon guards raised their weapons and trained them on the rest of the gang members.

He almost felt like giving up, they were sure to be dead meat if the whole gang decides to start shooting them at once, and with Jake not letting him use all the Falcons was so irritating that Donghae growled in frustration, his fingers turning white by gripping his gun so tight. All that remained was to trust his raw instincts.

Finally Jake stopped waiting for them to speak first, he sighed and dropped his pistol on the floor while donghae gave him his most murderous look,

Why the fuck did he drop his gun for!?

"so who do I have the pleasure of meeting before I die?" asked Jake, casually holding up his hands in a defeated way, "Yakuza? Tirades?, I thought you guys had enough of me for the past few years!"

The leader was eerily silent, he stood on his ground while the rest of the pack murmured and held their guns trained at them, determined to shoot at command. The Hall was silent now, as most of the people had gone out...

'out' thought Donghae, sweat pouring off from his hairline, 'we need to get out fast!'

Finally the man in the front started talking, his voice had a commanding cold blooded tone to it,

"he comes with us" he growled through his black mask, clutching the pistol more tightly in his arms. He nodded pointedly at Hisui at the back which sent chills down his spine.

Hisui stared at the man infront of them, and  his breathing picked up, this unmistakable voice, his eyes! the way he walks!.. This can't be happening!

The Boss [BxB Mafia AU] |✔Where stories live. Discover now