32. A Token of Love

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Continued from last chapter...

Jake breathed hard as he felt Donghae's tongue slip across him, before he could completely go insane with lust, Jake stroked Donghae's face lightly, and with one quick movement, he scooped up Donghae and threw him on to the bed. Without even pausing,  He looked down at him but suddenly got up with a smirk and went back towards the table.

For a second, Donghae gave him an extreme look of confusion as he leaned back on to the bed frame feeling his heartbeat litterally everywhere in his body. Donghae silently watched as Jake lift the glass that he'd been holding before, drowning the last of it's contents in one go.

Smashing the glass back on to the table, he came and stood at the foot of Donghae's bed looking back at him with his eyes dark and full of desire.

Donghae gazed back at him, his eyes lingering on Jake's hard abs and his denim and boxers those were pulled halfway down. Without knowing Donghae's slowly licked his lips, his mouth aching to continue what he had been doing before...

"Strip" said Jake quietly, his lusty eyes craving every piece of him.

"W-what?" stuttered Donghae in real confusion, wasn't that supposed to just...happen while they were kissing? But when he looked at Jake's shirtless body, he realized that he himself was fully clothed.

"I told you to take off your clothes Donghae" ordered Jake, his voice hard with a hint of a growl. "What's so hard about that?"

Donghae looked up at him incredulously, but without a word, he loosened his shirt buttons; took it off and threw it on the floor, all this time though, he kept his eyes trained at Jake just to make sure he gave Hyukjae the right impression. But as his fingers touched the zipper of his demin, a foreign feeling of fear suddenly gripped him, shattering his confidence. Donghae felt his fingers shake with sudden nerves...

"Scared?" smirked Hyukjae walking towards the curtains without looking at him.

"Jake" said Donghae closing his eyes, "I've never" he paused and looked at him, "stripped for anyone before"

But when Donghae opened his eyes, Jake was looking at him, but his expressions weren't mocking, it was, concern...which made a sudden gush of happiness float through his veins.

Donghae watched as Jake came closer towards him, he felt Jake's fingers slide through his hair.

"You don't have to be shy infront of me Donghae, and I definitely don't think you are weak" whispered Jake as he stroked Donghae's face, his fingers brushing across his lips, "I want you to show me the real you thats hiding behind those pretty brown eyes"

Donghae was stunned, it was the first time he'd ever heard Jake's voice like this. He didn't utter a sound as Jake kept his hand on his zipper and pull it down for him. Closing his eyes as Jake started kissing his neck when he pulled down Donghe's boxers as well.

As cool air hit his naked body, Donghae felt a wave of fierce embarrassment so real that a faint blush crept upto his cheeks. He looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes as he felt Jake kiss his chest, his tongue caressing his nipples until Donghae moaned in pleasure almost raising himself off the bed.

At once Jake pulled him forward until they were both kneeling on the bed, kissing furiously and tasting eachother. Donghae just had enough time to stiffle a gasp as Jake's hands started thier own  pilgrimage down his bare shoulders, down his waist and finally stopping at the lower of his back. Jake kissed him deeply, his tongue tainted Donghae over and over until suddenly; he pushed  his fingers into Dongahe without a warning.

Donghae almost screamed into their kiss as Jake started fingering him deep and hard. Moving his lips just as Donghae started to moan harder, stopping only when Donghae's moans became more desperate and loud and wild.

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