10. Acatalepsy

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(n.) The impossibility to truly comprehend anything...

Hyukjae walked down the steps towards the bar, all neon lights and poeple around him made him feel as if the world was slowing spinning around him, he knew he was stressed about all those crappy financial stuff of TFC Global and he wanted to simply end this day so that he can have a good night's rest.

"Donghae?" he said; simply out of habbit of the past few weeks of seeing his bodygaurd constantly near him, but Donghae was nowhere to be seen.

He went and sat down on a bar stool feeling hell tired; he wanted to relieve his stress or else he might as well go crazy...

"Master Maranzano?" said a silky voice and Jake felt someone slide a hand on his shoulder. Whe he turned his head, he saw that it was a young girl...well, a prostitute.

"You have unusual courage to touch me ragaza" he said sliding his hand up her arm.

"I'm drunk" said the girl; as if it explained everything "I get courage when I'm drunk"

Hyukjae smirked and looked away; and the girl slid forward and regarded his face curiously.

"You are unhappy?" she asked; her Russian accent slipping out easily. Jake gave her a smile.

"You could say that" said Jake and the girl gave him a provoking glance

"Then let me relieve it for you" she said and the next thing Jake knew, he was feeling the girl's hot lips pressing against him, he simply gave in, knowing that it was atleast a temporary distraction from the rest of the world

Hyukjae never knew how he stood up, let alone get into a guest room, it just kind of happened, like it always did in Madam LaVerè's scandalous late night parties...

The little wixen just went on clawing at his lips and Hyukjae responded to her needs, it was almost a drunk not drunk state. His hands caressed up her slim shoulder blades and slid behind her back, his fingers deftly unstrapping the hooks that held her dress together, while his own lips were planted against her neck ...

"What do you want me to do sir?" she whispered breathlessly inbetween the intoxicating kisses. Hyukjae looked steadily at her eyes, he knew he shouldn't do it, but he needed it,... desperately... to simply drown his world by the feeling of sexual pleasure and he wasn't stable enough to know what he was doing...

"I want you to go down on your knees for me ragaza" he said and the girl gave a smile in the dark room.

"My pleasure" she said and finally pushed him onto the edge of the bed. Jake gently took her by the hand, pulling her body close to him...

She knelt down infront of him, her naked chest looking like that of a goddess's... and loosened his belt until he was sitting on the edge of the the bed with his lower body naked infront of the girl, 

His breathing picked up as the girl began to kiss his lower abs through the shirt, and he literally felt himself getting erected, but Hyukjae knew it was nothing to do with love...or attraction in that case.

He felt the girl take his tip into her mouth and Jake's hands gripped the bedsheets harder.
And he slid his entire length into her mouth, and the feeling was ecstatic, as she began sucking it hard while sweat poured down his body; he knew he was close to release, just a few more thrusts...

Just as he knew he was going to release into her mouth, the door shot open and Donghae stumbled inside the room, throwing a slash if garish yellow light across the carpeted floor.

Hyukjae instantly knew he was dead drunk. He simply stared at Donghae until he heard the prostitute scream.

"Hi!!" said Donghae brightly, "I was told to find you! Are ya'll fucking??!!!!"

Emitting another high pitched scream and deperately clutching her dress, the girl ran out of the room, half knocking Donghae off to the side, "what the fuck's wrong with her?" he asked in a hurt voice.

Sighing, Jake got up and quickly dressed, but he knew he was dead fucking errected and it wasn't great having to stop himself from cumming at the last possible moment. He was annoyed at his bodygaurd, but weirdly glad that he somehow stopped it at the same time. It felt frustrating.

"Great, so did you drink?" asked Hyukjae sarcasticaly and Donghae laughed out loud; having no idea of the thunderous look Jake was giving him.

"I drunk" he said; grabbling the door handle to keep himself from falling "I turn left and right and then left again and I found you!!! With a WHORE!!!" he screamed.

"Who the fuck made you drink?" shouted Hyukjae and Donghae flinched. Suddenly he stepped close and jabbed an accusatory finger on to Hyukjae's chest,

"Luca did! and he told me to find you and I found you!! Yayyy!!"

Suddenly, Donghae eyes travelled down Jake's body. Stopping at Jake's now errected length. Throwing his head back, Donghae laughed; making Hyukjae feel like punching the crap out of him.

"Oh my god!!" screamed Donghae "Jake!! you are so fucking huge!-"

Hyukjae clapped his mouth shut before the whole neighbourhood heard him.

"Shut the damn fuck up Donghae!" shouted Jake and Donghae giggled.

"I knew it was a fucking disaster bringing you here" muttered Jake but imidiately stoped when he saw tears in Donghae's eyes.

What the fuck's going on?? He was giggling a second ago!

"I'm so scared" he whispered as Hyukjae looked at him in pure astonishment, "I don't want to die!" he said; his voice wavering on the edge of tears.

"I- what are you talking about?" said Jake incredulously; and Donghae shook his head; now positively crying

"Take me home Jake" he whispered, placing his head on Jake's chest, "I want to go home"


Hyukjae drove fast as he could, he didn't know why he listened to Donghae back at the party, Donghae had sounded pretty desperate and it had made him want to just do what he said.

'Sorry Luca' he thought as he floored down the accelerator,

Finally after parking his car, he looked at Donghae who was asleep on the passenger seat and let out a sigh.

Since when did thier roles change?

Having no alternative, he picked Donghae up in bridal style and proceeded towards his room while getting curious stares from the household workers.

Since donghae had his own room, Hyukjae flopped him down on his bed where he just turned around and went back to sleep, with his wild tangles of brown hair falling over his eyes.

'Should I undress him?' thought Hyukjae but thought the better of it, 'nahh... better let him wake up with a splitting headache tomorrow'


When he finally stepped into the hot shower, Hyukjae felt his body relax. It had been an eventful day...

'Too eventful' thought Jake as he watched water droplets running down over his tattoos. He still felt weird, as if his body was craving for something, the last thing that Donghae had said, still revolved around his head.

'Don't kill him?' thought Hyukjae smilling, 'does he seriously believe that he'd shoot him?'

Unbidden, he remembered the way Donghae was sleeping in the car, he did look damn innocent, besides he had never expected Donghae to come crashing into the room like that! with his hair flying around him like a damn bird's nest!... the images came faster, Donghae's contagious smile, his never ending clumsiness, most of all, what he'd felt when Donghae kept his head on his chest...

Suddenly he let out a gasp when he felt warm liquid spill out from him, and he touched his throbbing member, taking a moment to realize that he had  actually released...

"What the FUCK!" yelled Jake Maranzano in pure desperation.

A/N: Im so damn sleepyy!! Sorry for any grammar errors!🌟 and comment and follow! !

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