27. Dark Sides

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Jake came into his room and the lights automatically switch on, his bed lay untouched as he'd never had a chance sleep on it. He had spent the whole night next to Donghae, waiting for him the wake up. Which had been pretty useless now...

Jake closed his eyes and placed a hand on his left shoulder, wincing in pain. His right shoulder hurt from the deep cut.

"What a sight" said a sarcastic voice and Jake looked behind him to see Luca standing near the door frame, arms crossed.

He gave Jake's body a head-to-toe calculating look. The boy looked exhausted enough that Luca almost felt a pang of pity for him. Suddenly, he caught the sight of Jake's white faced look. Through the shirt sleeve, blood freely flowed down along his fingers and dripped on to the floor. As far as Luca was concerned, Hyukjae didn't seem very aware of it.

Jake looked away and sighed, Donghae had been pushing hard onto his shoulder that the cut he had gotten there had started to bleed. Although he should've felt a blinding pain, Jake hadn't even had the chance to feel it because he'd been so caught up with the outburst of sudden tangles of new, and raw emotions.

Why did Donghae say something like that? Did he hurt his feeling without knowing? Did he fucking know how much it hurt him now?

His stream of endless worries were abruptly cut off when Luca came near him and gently took off his Zegna blazer, along with the once briliant white shirt he'd worn underneath it. Luca winced at the at the reopened cut which was now in the process of turning into a colourful shade of maroon.

"This is not going to work" tutted Luca, briskly shaking his head. "this shit needs some serious stiches, I'll go get the medic before your brain registers the pain you ought be feeling right now"

Pain? Nothing is worse than the pain he'd felt earlier when he looked at Donghae. If it's gonna make him scream in agony, then he would gladly be happy enough to go for it if it keeps his mind distant from any fucking thoughts. Relieve pain with pain... fuck! he almost wished for a hardcore alcohol bottle to appear so he could just get drunk and forget about everything...even his name.

Jake nodded without saying anything and watched as Luca left the room, all he wanted was to get off this shitty episode in his life,

'Forget Donghae' crooned a little voice inside his head, 'why cant you do it? you've faced bigger shit than this! He is simply nothing to you'

"forget him" muttered Hyukjae to himself closing his eyes; but his mind refused to show him anything but Donghae's handsome face, and the way his boxers were showing over his denim when his strong hands pinned him on the bed.
Jake's breathing picking up as he ran his fingers over his chest, touching his hard a abs and stopping over the boxer band that had come up over his trouser. When he opened his eyes again, he saw himself in the mirror that stood in front of him. His mind was finally set.

Blood...but whose blood? Hyukjae didnt seem hurt when he went out of his room...

Donghae walked out of his room, having no idea where the hell he was, the creame coloured wallpaper on the corridor made him feel more dizzier than ever...he looked bothways and sighed, the corridor streatched to opposite directions, with large wooden doors that stood opposite to each other at the same intervals,

Donghae took a few steps forward, but his mind was spinning, what he had said to Jake can never be taken back, but it had shattered him to see how coolly Jake had taken the information.

But deep down, Donghae knew that their love couldn't go on it was probably the best thing to stop... especially now that he knew he was being a downright enemy to the entire Falcon Circle by just being there next to Jake. His head ached from having LaVerè watching his every move like a hawk, and his mother pressuring him to kill Jake; the same boy who just happened to have an affair with him, well atleast Donghae believed what they had was an affair...

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