11. Forever an Illusion

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Donghae woke up feeling vomitish, his head was pounding and he could barely open his eyes. He slowly got up, wondering what on earth happened to him the night before, the only thing he remembered was Luca handing him something to drink, the rest rippled and vanished from his memory like water.

"Fucking hell" muttered Donghae; placing his hand on his forhead, "what the hell happened?"

He thought back, he had been...unhappy for some reason...and he had felt scared and...

Donghae winced, how did he get ended up here? Who brought him here? The thought of Luca, grimly carrying his dead drunk senseless body into the room made Donghae feel even more vomitish than before.

He got up from the bed and loosened his belt, imidiately feeling much better, after taking of his shirt, he saw a vivid red mark on his hip where the belt buckle had bit into his skin while he was asleep.
Thanks Luca for not losening his belt...

He took a quick shower and slipped into a loose white shirt and a rough blue denim and slowly went downstairs to the main hall

"Sir?" said a light female voice and Donghae turned to see a young maid standing behind him.

"Yes?" asked Donghae, surprised to see a new face in the house,

"Master Maranzano has requested your imediate presence in his room"

Donghae took a moment to realize that the girl was speaking formally.

"I- Yes of course I'll go" said Donghae and sprinted up the staircase. He stood there behind the double doors and counted to 5, then he slowly opened to the door and walked in.

Jake was standing near the huge french windows, tapping away on his phone, when Donghae came and stood quiety behind, Hyukjae turned and gave him a freezing stare.

"Had had a good night?" he asked, but there wasn't an ounce of friendliness in his voice,

Donghae nodded mutedly, looking at Jake, his eyes had turned into the colour of the sky just before a storm,

"And do you think you did a good job protecting me?"

Donghae shook his head, tight lipped, what the hell had he done?

"Im sorry" he whispered "I was assigned to protect you"

"Correct" said Hyukjae icily. "Make more mistakes like that and I promise that you'll see Luca in your dreams"

"I'm really sorry boss" said Donghae again; "I should thank Luca, I guess"

"LUCA?" said Hyukjae in astonishment and Donghae nodded,

"For bringing me here yesterday, I know I was an idiot to drink, but..."

Hyukjae snorted and and gave him a look,

"Fine" he said amused, "go and ask forgiveness from him"

Jake took the car keys from his pockets and held it to Donghae,

"I want to go to the compound" said Jake "drive fast"


When they arrived at the TFC base, Donghae saw Luca running forward to meet them,

"Thank god you weren't there yesterday" he breathed, bowing low.

"An attack I heard" said Jake; walking ahead with Donghae and Luca at the back. "At LaVerè?"

Luca nodded furiously, "she was not hurt though, but her property was damaged, badly"

Hyukjae opened the door and walked inside a room which was only lighted by one light.
In the dimness of the room, Donghae saw a line of eight or nine poeple kneeling on the ground, with all their weapons stripped infront of them.

"You caught all of them?" asked Hyukjae, taking out his pistol and Luca nodded,

"Five killed, the target had been Madam LaVerè, and this one here," said Luca; grabbing one man by the hair, "seems like the leader of the group"

Hyukjae took a chair and sat down infront of the man, he kept his pistol under the man's jaw and raised his head,

"Who sent you?" asked Hyukjae; and Donghae gulped, he never wanted that gaze on him...ever!

The man remained tight lipped and Hyukjae sighed, without warning, he shot the man on the leg, the impact, echoed through the walls.

When the pain finally registed, the man screamed out of agony and Hyukjae clicked another bullet into place and held it trained on the man's chest.

"I hoped you would cooperate" he said; his voice like silk "Im not in the habbit of repeating myself, who sent you?"

As the man refused to answer, Hyukjae shot him again on the chest, sending the man staggering backwards, and Donghae closed his eyes; gulping down his own fear.

"Alvarez did!" screamed a manin Italian out of pure desperation "he wanted to kill LaVerè for taking out his position of the council and he wanted to stop her from searching for something"

Hyukjae's cold grey blue eyes turned on him, as he analysed the man,

"and what is it?" asked Jake, training his gun at the man's right eye.

"S-something about a name called Aiden" said the man whimpering and Hyukjae lowered his gun.

"Interesting" said Jake while Donghae tried hard not to scream, what the hell is going on? People he never even knew keep getting involved!

Hyukjae slowly got up, and gave the man a smile which sent shivers down his spine.

"Thankyou for the help" said Jake, "and you all will be rewarded accordingly"

He sarted walking away and Donghae followed after him,

"We need to pay a little visit to Alvarez" he said, his voice carrying easily through the room,
"Luca, you know what to do, meet me downstairs when you're done"

"Ay Boss" said Luca and as both Hyukjae and Donghae walked out of the room, they heard the unmistakable sound of 8 shots in a row.

'Forgiveness is forever an Illusion with you' thought Donghae; giving Jake a side glance as they walked down the steps together.

A/N: VOTE!!🌟

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