28. Wanting

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The doctor turned towards Donghae raising his eyebrows. Jake was still standing infront of him with the same thunderous look while Donghae stared back at him, thinking of an answer. His eyes travelled along the room and finnally he pointed his finger accusingly at Luca who was smirking infront of the broken windows.

"He told me to come" whinned Donghae, still avoiding looking into Jake's eyes.

Luca came forward and stood beside the old doctor who was looking back and forth between  Donghae and Jake, taking them in warily.

"I did tell him to come ofcourse, I thought he'd be some fucking  help" he said grinning, and suddenly the doctor clapped his hands almost making Donghae jump out of his skin.

"Are you his best friend?" asked the old man looking delighted. Donghae felt like gagging when he heard that but Jake gave a snort  looking away, but his eyes weren't looking amused, infact he looked like he was barely concentrating on what was happeing around him.

"I'm not!" gasped Donghae horrified beyong reason, but the doctor wasn't listening to him. Without letting him speak, the old man grabbed his wrist and made him stand besides Hyukjae. Donghae glanced at him but Jake was studiously looking down.

'What in the dimensions of fucking hell is going inside his evil head?' thought Donghae glaring.

"I can make you responsible for looking after him" said the Doctor happily, completely oblivious to the pleading look Donghae was giving him.

It was as if someone banged on his head with a sledge hammer.

"What!?" croaked Donghae when at last the message sank down in his head. But the doctor was busy giving Jake a last checkup before he started with the stitching.

"Ok Mr. Maranzano" he said rubbing his hands together, let's start shall we?

Finnally those gray-blue eyes turned towards Donghae. There wasn't a trace of a smile on Jake's face. He just looked tired and Donghae noticed the dark rims under his eyes.

"Go out" he said quietly, his voice sounding just as tired. For a fleeting moment, Donghae felt a wild urge to put his arms around Jake and tell him that everything would be alright, but it clearly wasn't at the moment.

"Cant I-"

Jake glared at him. His patience seemed to have evaporated and Donghae knew better than to egg him on when Jake was in these kinds of moods. Who knows? egg him more and he might end up with a free one way ticket down the window anytime.

"You too Luca" said Jake tiredly and Luca gave a nodd. Grabbing a still gawping Donghae away from Jake, he proceeded towards the door until Jake heard a soft click of the door being closed.


Outside the door, Donghae thrashed against Luca's iron like grip.

"Let! Me GO!!" screamed Donghae, visously kicking againts Luca's which made little damage. Luca seemed like a rhinoceros when compared to Donghae's entire frame. "Can't you see he need someone to stay with him?!"

Luca finally let go of him, making Donghae flop down on the floor. He looked up glaring while the big Italian chucked.

"No I cant" he said, still chuckling, "If you have something called eyes then you might've realized his body language by now"

Donghae finnally stopped thrashing, he knew it was just after his and Jake's breakup but his mind was still getting used to the fact that he should just treat Hyukjae as his Boss now...

"Ok" said Donghae in a tiny voice, but after a second he was back at the warpath.

"Why didnt you say anything when that idiotic doctor made me take the shitty responsibility for Jake!?" he shouted, "you know he hates the crap outta me!"

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